Managing Uncertainty in Marketing Analytics

Managing Uncertainty in Marketing Analytics

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  • 4 sequências
  • Intermediate Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Randomness and Probability
    Module 1 focuses on developing an understanding where randomness appears in marketing problems. You will learn basic rules for calculating the probability of outcomes. We will also examine how these rules can be applied to determine the value of information
  • Week 2 - Conducting Monte Carlo Simulations in Excel
    Building on the basics of randomness and probability discussed in Module 1, we examine the use of Monte Carlo simulations for incorporating randomness into business problems. Using Microsoft Excel, we will build a tool that conducts a Monte Carlo simulation. W...
  • Week 3 - Using Probability Distributions to Model Uncertainty
    In Module 3, we look at the use of probability distributions as a means of characterizing uncertainty. We initially look at how uncertainty is incorporated into a general decision making framework. We then turn our attention to different probability distributi...
  • Week 4 - Application: Designing Extended Service Warranty Plans
    Building the the discussion of probability distributions in Module 3, we apply this knowledge to a specific application: the design of extended service warranty plans. We provide an overview of the business problem and discuss how to incorporate uncertainty in...




David Schweidel
Associate Professor of Marketing
Goizueta Business School


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A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.

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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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