Leading Ambitious Teaching and Learning

Leading Ambitious Teaching and Learning

12 h
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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • To use videos and other evidence to develop teachers’ understandings of ambitious instruction.
  • To use technology to support students and teachers in enacting ambitious instruction.
  • To use research-based frameworks to organize schools and systems to support ambitious instruction.
  • To use leadership strategies and skills to inspire and support positive change.


Working knowledge of schools and education systems as well as the political, policy, and public pressures to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students.


Deborah Loewenberg Ball
The William H. Payne Collegiate Professor of Education and an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor in the School of Education
University of Michigan

Nell Duke
Professor in the School of Education
The University of Michigan

Liz Kolb
Clinical Assistant Professor in the School of Education
University of Michigan

Elizabeth Birr Moje
Dean of the School of Education
University of Michigan

Donald J. Peurach
Professor of Educational Policy, Leadership, and Innovation in the School of Education
University of Michigan

Gretchen Spreitzer
The Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration
University of Michigan


A Universidade de Michigan é uma universidade americana localizada em Ann Arbor, Michigan. Tem também dois campus regionais no mesmo estado, em Dearborn e Flint.

Fundada em 1817, foi a primeira universidade do Michigan, estabelecida ainda antes de o Estado do Michigan aderir à União. Também conhecida como UMich ou UM, é reconhecida como uma das melhores universidades públicas dos Estados Unidos.


EdX est une plateforme d'apprentissage en ligne (dite FLOT ou MOOC). Elle héberge et met gratuitement à disposition des cours en ligne de niveau universitaire à travers le monde entier. Elle mène également des recherches sur l'apprentissage en ligne et la façon dont les utilisateurs utilisent celle-ci. Elle est à but non lucratif et la plateforme utilise un logiciel open source.

EdX a été fondée par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology et par l'université Harvard en mai 2012. En 2014, environ 50 écoles, associations et organisations internationales offrent ou projettent d'offrir des cours sur EdX. En juillet 2014, elle avait plus de 2,5 millions d'utilisateurs suivant plus de 200 cours en ligne.

Les deux universités américaines qui financent la plateforme ont investi 60 millions USD dans son développement. La plateforme France Université Numérique utilise la technologie openedX, supportée par Google.

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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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