Just Reading and Writing in English | 生活英语读写

Just Reading and Writing in English | 生活英语读写

30 h
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  • 15 sequências
  • Introductive Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Week 1 - Learning
Introduction to the problems in English learning, and some special skills in learning English efficiently.

Week 2 - University
Introduction to the learning skills of vocabulary, sentences and writing skills, and the campus life in Cambridge University and Oxford University.

Week 3 - Cultural Differences
Introduction to the gestures used in communication, and the different meanings of the gestures in different countries.

Week 4 - Cities
Introduction to London with its famous tourist sites such as Westminster Abbey, the Thames, Big ben and the streets of the city.

Week 5 - Education
Introduction to the education cost in the USA, and how students pay for their tuition fees. Moreover, teachers will talk about learning through books, and the meaning of reading books.

Week 6 - Manners
Introduction to how American parents cultivate their children’s manners. The table manners in the USA are talked about and compared with Chinese table manners.

Week 7 - Personal Communication
Introduction to the holidays, especially the individualism and the understanding of family. An article named Why I want a wife is shared to elaborate the inner thoughts of a man in perspective of a woman.

Week 8 - Purpose of Living
Introduction to dreams, and the profound influence of a passage named Youth to the business leaders of Japan.

Week 9 - Review
Exercises in preparation of the final exam.

Week 10 - Final Exam




Fang Yang
Associate Professor, Language Center
Tsinghua University

Wenxia Zhang
Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Tsinghua University

John Olbrich
Language Center
Tsinghua University

Glenn M. Davis

Jason Driskill
Language Center
Tsinghua University

Thomas H. Piachaud


A Universidade de Tsinghua é uma universidade chinesa situada em Pequim, considerada uma das mais prestigiadas da República Popular da China. Quando foi fundada em 1911, era uma escola preparatória para estudantes que desejavam fazer estudos de pós-graduação em universidades americanas. 

Em 1925, Tsinghua transformou-se numa universidade e atualmente oferece cursos de graduação de quatro anos (bacharelato) e cursos de pós-graduação (mestrado e doutoramento).


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