Investment Strategies and Portfolio Analysis

Investment Strategies and Portfolio Analysis

12 h
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  • 3 sequências
  • Introductive Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Performance measurement and benchmarking
    In this module, we focus on the central problem of performance measurement: how do you assess the increase in your wealth over a given period and evaluate the risk that was involved? In this module, you will learn how to calculate different return and risk mea...
  • Week 2 - Active vs. passive investing: Risk-adjusted return measures
    In this module, we focus on constructing return-to-risk measures in order to compare investments in terms of their desirability. You are going to learn several different ways to calculate risk-adjusted return measures for an actively managed fund and understan...
  • Week 3 - Performance evaluation: Style analysis and performance attribution
    In this module, you are going to learn to use two analytical tools that are widely used in practice to evaluate what the portfolio performance can be attributed to. You will first learn about style analysis. Then, you will learn about attribution analysis, wh...




Arzu Ozoguz
Finance Faculty
Jones Graduate School of Business


A Rice University é uma universidade privada americana de investigação situada em Houston, Texas. Situa-se no Museum District da cidade e é adjacente ao Texas Medical Center. Foi fundada por William Marsh Rice (en) em 1891 como The William Marsh Rice Institute for the Advancement of Letters, Science, and Art, e foi inaugurada em 1912 com Edgar Odell Lovett como seu primeiro presidente.


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