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Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
- Week 1 - Welcome and Additional Resources
Start here! - Week 1 - Homeostasis and Endocrine System
Welcome to Module 2 of Introductory Human Physiology! We begin our study of the human body with an overview of the basic concepts that underlie the functions of cells and organs within the body and their integration to maintain life. This is an important intro... - Week 2 - The Nervous System
We hope you are enjoying the course! Last week's lectures can be challenging because we introduce many concepts that may be new to you. This module will allow you to apply some of the concepts that you learned last week and provide you with more concrete examp... - Week 3 - The Senses and the Somatic Nervous System
In this module, we consider two types of cells: one that relays information to the central nervous system (brain) for interpretation and a second set, motor neurons which relay information away from the central nervous system to govern voluntary movement. The ... - Week 4 - Muscle
In this module, we consider the effectors of the body that govern voluntary and involuntary movement. These effectors are specialized cells called muscle which are capable of generating force (tension). Muscle cells are classified as one of three types: skelet... - Week 5 - Cardiovascular System
Welcome back! In this module we consider how the circulatory system works to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the specific organs. We start with a discussion of the electrical and mechanical functions of the heart which enable it to generate a pressure gradient... - Week 6 - Respiratory System
We hope that you are enjoying the course! This module considers the respiratory system. In these lessons, we explore topics such as how we get air into our lungs, the role of airway resistance in ventilation, the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between... - Week 7 - The Endocrine System
IIn this module, we return our attention to the endocrine system and its role in the maintenance of homeostasis. In particular we consider the hypothalamus-pituitary axis, which integrates signals from the nervous system and from the blood to regulate most hom... - Week 8 - The Reproductive System
Welcome back! This module continues our discussion of the endocrine system and its control of homeostasis. In this series of videos, we consider how the endocrine system regulates the production of gametes (egg and sperm) in the female and male, respectively, ... - Week 9 - The Gastrointestinal System
Congratulations! You have almost completed this course. In this module, we consider the inner workings of your gut. Most of our discussions deal with the function of specific regions of the gastrointestinal tract where complex foods are processed into solutes... - Week 10 - The Urinary System
Welcome to module 11 and the last organ system to be covered in this course! In this module, we turn our attention to the urinary system and specifically to the functions of the kidney, a filter of the blood. The kidney is a complicated organ whose actions in...
Jennifer Carbrey
Assistant Research Professor
Department of Cell Biology
Emma Jakoi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Cell Biology
A Duke University é uma universidade privada de investigação norte-americana situada em Durham, na Carolina do Norte. A universidade tem o nome da dinastia Duke.
Embora a universidade só tenha sido oficialmente fundada em 1924 (as suas raízes remontam a 1838). Frequentemente referida como a "Harvard do Sul", a Duke é a universidade mais selectiva do Sul dos Estados Unidos.
A universidade é membro da Associação das Universidades Americanas, uma associação que, desde 1900, reúne as universidades de investigação de elite da América do Norte.

A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.
O Coursera trabalha com as melhores universidades e organizações para disponibilizar alguns dos seus cursos on-line e oferece cursos em várias disciplinas, incluindo: física, engenharia, humanidades, medicina, biologia, ciências sociais, matemática, negócios, ciência da computação, marketing digital, ciência de dados. e outros assuntos.Cours