Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy

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Este conteúdo é classificado como 3.2778 de 5
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  • 5 sequências
  • Introductive Level
  • Legendas em Chinese, Vietnamese, Dutch, Turkish, Hebrew, Spanish, Romanian

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - What is Philosophy?
    (Dr. Dave Ward) We’ll start the course by thinking about what Philosophy actually is: what makes it different from other subjects? What are its distinctive aims and methods? We'll also think about why the questions that philosophers attempt to answer are often...
  • Week 2 - Morality: Objective, Relative or Emotive?
    (Dr. Matthew Chrisman) We all live with some sense of what is good or bad, some feelings about which ways of conducting ourselves are better or worse. But what is the status of these moral beliefs, senses, or feelings? Should we think of them as reflecting har...
  • Week 2 - What is Knowledge? And Do We Have Any?
    (Professor Duncan Pritchard) We know a lot of things – or, at least, we think we do. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge; what it is, and the ways we can come to have it. In this module, we’ll take a tour through some of the issues ...
  • Week 2 - Week 2 review
  • Week 3 - Do We Have an Obligation to Obey the Law?
    (Dr. Guy Fletcher) The laws of a state govern what we can and cannot do within that state. But do we have an obligation to obey those laws? In this module, we'll discuss this question, together with some of the main positions that philosophers have developed i...
  • Week 3 - Should You Believe What You Hear?
    (Dr. Allan Hazlett) Much of what we think about the world we believe on the basis of what other people say. But is this trust in other people's testimony justified? In this module, we’ll investigate how this question was addressed by two great philosophers of ...
  • Week 3 - Week 3 review
  • Week 4 - Minds, Brains and Computers
    (Dr. Suilin Lavelle) If you’re reading this, then you’ve got a mind. But what is a mind, and what does it take to have one? Should we understand minds as sets of dispositions to behave in certain ways, as patterns of neural activation, or as akin to programmes...
  • Week 4 - Are Scientific Theories True?
    (Professor Michela Massimi) In this module we will explore a central and ongoing debate in contemporary philosophy of science: whether or not scientific theories are true. Or better, whether a scientific theory needs to be 'true' to be good at all. The answer ...
  • Week 4 - Week 4 review
  • Week 5 - Do We Have Free Will and Does It Matter?
    (Dr. Elinor Mason) We typically feel that the actions that we make are the result of our own free choices. But what if those actions are simply the end result of a long chain of cause and effect? What does this mean for free will? In this module, we'll look at...
  • Week 5 - Time Travel and Philosophy
    (Dr. Alasdair Richmond) In this module we'll think about some issues in metaphysics, a branch of philosophy that investigates the ways that reality could intelligibly be. Our case study will be the possibility, or otherwise, of time-travel. Some have thought t...
  • Week 5 - Week 5 review
  • Week 5 - Peer review




Dr. Alasdair Richmond

Dr. Suilin Lavelle
Lecturer in Philosophy
University of Edinburgh

Guy Fletcher

Dr. Dave Ward
Lecturer in Philosophy
University of Edinburgh

Elinor Mason
Senior Lecturer

Professor Michela Massimi
Full Professor

Dr. Allan Hazlett

Professor Duncan Pritchard
Professor of Philosophy
University of Edinburgh

Dr. Matthew Chrisman
Reader in Philosophy


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Este conteúdo é classificado como 3.2778 de 5
(nenhuma revisão)
Este conteúdo é classificado como 3.2778 de 5
(nenhuma revisão)
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