Introduction to Operating Systems

Introduction to Operating Systems

Este conteúdo é classificado como 5 de 5
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  • Individualizado
  • Acesso livre
Mais informações
  • 8 sequências
  • Introductive Level

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

The [Course Wiki]( serves as the syllabus for Introduction to Operating Systems. But, for a high-level view of the course, we have listed the lessons:

Part 1: Introduction

- Lesson 1: Course Overview- Lesson 2: Introduction to Operating Systems

Part 2: Process and Thread Management

- Lesson 1: Processes and Process Management- Lesson 2: Threads and Concurrency- Lesson 3: Threads Case Study: PThreads- Lesson 4: Thread Implementation Considerations- Lesson 5: Thread Performance Considerations

Part 3: Resource Management and Communication

- Lesson 1: Scheduling- Lesson 2: Memory Management- Lesson 3: Inter-Process Communication- Lesson 4: Synchronization Constructs- Lesson 5: I/O Management- Lesson 6: Resource Virtualization

Part 4: Distributed Systems

- Lesson 1: Remote Services- Lesson 2: Distributed File Systems- Lesson 3: Distributed Shared Memory- Lesson 4: Data Center Technologies




  • Ada Gavrilovska - Ada is a senior research faculty at the College of Computing and the Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) at Georgia Tech. Her interests include conducting experimental systems research, specifically addressing high-performance applications on distributed heterogeneous platforms, and focusing on topics that range from operating and distributed systems, to virtualization, to programmable network devices and communication accelerators, to active and adaptive middleware and I/O.


O Georgia Institute of Technology, também conhecido por Georgia Tech ou GT, é uma universidade pública de investigação mista situada em Atlanta, Geórgia, EUA. Faz parte da rede alargada do Sistema Universitário da Geórgia. O Georgia Tech tem escritórios em Savannah (Geórgia, EUA), Metz (França), Athlone (Irlanda), Xangai (China) e Singapura.

A reputação da Georgia Tech assenta nos seus programas de engenharia e ciências informáticas, que se encontram entre os melhores do mundo5,6. A oferta de cursos é complementada por programas nas áreas das ciências, arquitetura, humanidades e gestão.


Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.

Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.

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