Introduction To Doing Business In Africa

6 h
Este conteúdo é classificado como 2.5 de 5
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  • 3 sequências
  • Introductive Level
  • Começa em 14 dezembro 2020
  • Termina em 27 fevereiro 2021

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Main Objectives

  • Understand the current issues faced by Africa, as a diverse regional economy
  • Grasp Africa’s dynamics (growth drivers / risks)
  • Develop the main challnges confronting the African continent
  • Identify the main opportunities and threats for companies wishing to do business in Africa

Module 1

  • Trends and economic growth patterns
  • key growth drivers

Module 2

  • Opportunities and risks
  • Competitiveness and attractiveness

Module 3

  • Main challenges confronting the continent
  • Development scenarios




Youssef LAHLOU
Youssef Lahlou, Expert@emlyon business school Casablanca campus, has more than 10 years of experience in strategy and consulting in Morocco and internationally. He is currently Managing Partner at Accuracy Intelligence, an independent consulting firm dedicated to supporting its clients in carrying out their development projects in Morocco and Africa.

Before founding Accuracy Intelligence, Youssef was Principal in the strategy and development division of Casablanca Finance City Authority, where he was responsible of developing and managing its network of African partners and monitoring the competitive and strategic intelligence activities. Prior to this experience, Youssef worked in strategy and management consulting at BearingPoint in Paris.

Youssef holds a “Grande Ecole” business degree from emlyon business school.


Fondée en 1872, EMLYON Business School est l'une des plus anciennes écoles de commerce en Europe. L'histoire d'EMLYON a toujours été profondément marquée par l'entrepreneuriat, l'innovation et la volonté de réussir.

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