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Introduction to Running Pipe in Oil and Gas Wells

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- Certificado pago
- 2 sequências
- Introductive Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
Week 1: Pre-running operations
Preparation for running operations ensure each and every pipe and connection performs to its optimum capability.
Once at the rig site, a good pipe preparation prior to the start of the installation will assist in ensuring the efficiency of the running.
Depending on how the pipe has been prepared at the stocking location this stage can include: Drifting Cleaning of the connections Visual inspection of the connections Length measurement Identification of accessories Verification of running equipment
Week 2: Running operations
Once all the preparation for running steps have been completed, the pipe is ready to be run. During this second week, the course will focus in the accessories used during running operations and the risks involved in this stage, such as misalignment and incorrect use of dope.
Mario Vespa
Technical Sales Expert
John Mennie
Field Services Technical Advisor

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