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Introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS): A Survival Guide

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- Certificado pago
- 6 sequências
- Intermediate Level
- Legendas em Spanish
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
Week 1: MISs. Importance. Procurement
We will examine how modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) are transforming our world, and analyze what Management Information Systems (MISs) are and how do they fit within the overall ICTs environment. We shall then discuss how companies obtain their MISs, by either purchasing ready-made packages or by bespoke development, and explore the alternative offered by open systems.
Week 2: The Communications revolution – Distributed Information Systems
We will discuss how the trend towards globalization and continuous connectivity drives the need for distributed MISs supported by Telecommunication Networks. We will explore the various types of networks and distributed MISs architectures.
Week 3: Data, Databases, Big Data
Data is the raw material upon which information is built. We will discuss the role played by data (and, particularly, data structure) in MISs, and analyze the Database Management Systems used to manage data. We shall then explore the fast-evolving landscape of Big Data.
Week 4: Integrated Information Systems (ERP) and Integrated Business Processes
Integrated Information Systems are the “top predators” at the apex of the MIS world. We will introduce participants to the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and their relationship with Integrated Business Processes.
Week 5: Implementing and customizing ERPs and other major MISs. Who adapts to whom?
Implementing an ERP is a major project. It generally requires either modifying current business practices (through Business Process Reengineering) or customizing the ERP system. We shall discuss the challenges this implies.
Week 6: MISs in decision-making
In this last week we will turn our attention from the day-to-day operation of the business to the role played by MISs in information-driven decision-making. After discussing Decision Support Systems (DSSs) and the analytics used in Big Data environments, we shall conclude with a word about the future and a heartfelt farewell.
Basic user-level computer literacy. Business awareness is recommended.
Alfonso Durán Heras
Full Professor, Engineering Management / Catedrático, Ingeniería de Organización
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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