Introduction to Git and Github

Introduction to Git and Github

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Chapter 1: Lesson Intro

In this chapter you will learn what to expect from the course and specifically some of the challenges that many people new to Git and Github are faced with and the instructor's proposed solution to these challenges.

  • Chapter 2: What Is It?

In this chapter you will learn the rationale and benefits of version control in general as well as how the Git workflow reduces confusion when workiing collaboratively.

  • Chapter 3: The Major Concepts

In this chapter you will dive into the specifics of Git, namely the concepts and vocabulary you will need to know in order to begin working with it. Specific concepts covered include the role of the "repo" as well as defining commits and branches.

  • Chapter 4: Basic Git Actions

Begin working with Git with this hands-on tutorial that includes setting up a local repo and adding your first few commits. Along the way you will discover how Git interacts with your local file system.

  • Chapter 5: Branches

In this chapter you learn the basics of working with branches. Specifically you will create a new branch from the master,learn how to switch branches and merge branches.

  • Chapter 6: Undoing Changes

Take Git to the next level as you learn how to discard uncommitted changes from a project as well as how to roll back commits.

  • Chapter 7: Basic Remote Workflow

In this chapter you'll learn the basics of the "local to remote" workflow. Specifically you'll be setting up a remote repository with Bitbucket and learning some of the basic concepts such as push requests versus pull requests.

  • Chapter 8: Github

This final chapter walks through the differences between private and public repositories and the benefit of using Github for collaborating on public projects.




  • Jeff Ausura, Jeff is a web developer at the Boston-based firm The Outfit.



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Aquent Gymnasium offre gratuitement des cours en ligne pour les professionnels du numérique, créatifs et en communication pour les équiper avec des compétences en demande et faire progresser leur carrière.

Pourquoi gratuit? L'apprentissage tout au long de la vie est au cœur des valeurs culturelles d'Aquent et trouve son chemin dans presque toutes nos stratégies d'affaires. Parce que nous avons toujours su qu'il existe un lien clair entre l'apprentissage et l'avancement professionnel, Gymnasium a été créé pour servir à la fois nos talents et nos clients pour répondre à la demande de professionnels qualifiés. À ce jour, des centaines de nouveaux professionnels certifiés ont été placés dans des rôles avec nos clients.

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