Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • The impact of the history of flight on aircraft today.
  • How the earth's atmosphere can be modelled and how we can use this for aircraft design.
  • Stability, structures, navigation and propulsion of aircraft.
  • The fundamental aerodynamic concepts for flying an aircraft.
  • How airfoils and wings generate lift.
  • Flight mechanics of aircraft.
  • How aircraft can optimally climb, descend and cruise.


High school level mathematics & physics


Jacco M. Hoekstra
Professor CNS/ATM
Delft University of Technology

Jos Sinke
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Delft University of Technology

Mark Voskuijl
Professor in Aviation and Weapon Systems at the Faculty of Military Sciences, Netherlands Defence Academy
Delft University of Technology

Nando Timmer
Lecturer and Research Engineer, Aerodynamics, Wind Energy and Flight Mechanics & Propulsion
TU Delft


A Universidade de Tecnologia de Delft, mais conhecida por TU Delft, é a maior e mais antiga universidade pública dos Países Baixos. 

Tem a sua sede em Delft, nos Países Baixos. No QS World University Rankings 2022, está classificada entre as 10 melhores universidades de engenharia e tecnologia do mundo. Em arquitetura e engenharia civil, ficou classificada em 2º lugar no mundo, a seguir ao MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).


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