Internet of Things with Microcontrollers: a hands-on course

20 h
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  • 6 sequências
  • Intermediate Level
  • Começa em 11 abril 2022
  • Termina em 12 junho 2022

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Module 1: Internet of Things: General Presentation
    At the end of this module you will be able to provide a description of the IoT system from the device to the cloud.
  • Module 2: Focus on Hardware Aspects
    At the end of this module you will be able to explain the hardware architecture of a connected device with the energy constraints associated. You will also be able to classify IoT devices according to their role or application.
  • Module 3: Focus on Embedded Softwares
    At the end of this module you will be able to apply the specific programming principles for a connected object. You will also be able to describe the characteristics of the RIOT operating system.
  • Module 4: Focus on Low-Power Wireless Networks
    At the end of this module you will be able to describe IoT communication protocols with the various networks layers. You will also be able to write your first IoT application using the Internet protocol CoAP in order to retrieve the values from a temperature sensor.
  • Module 5: Focus on LoRaWAN networks
    At the end of this module, you will have an expertise on LoRaWAN networks, these networks specifically designed for the Internet of Things. You will become familiar with their main characteristics, the types of applications they are particularly suited for and will learn how to configure them so that the devices can join the network.
  • Module 6: Securing Connected Objects
    At the end of this module you will be able to identify the security problems of connected objects and the existing solutions to overcome them.


prior knowledge

  • Programming Basics in C and/or Python or Bash
  • Linux systems experience (use of command lines)



Alexandre Abadie
Alexandre Abadie is a research engineer at Inria Saclay - Île-de-France. He is a contributor and maintainer of RIOT, an operating system for the Internet of things and core team member of the FIT-IoT-LAB platform.Alexandre Abadie est ingénieur de recherche chez Inria Saclay - Île-de-France. Il est contributeur et responsable de RIOT, un système d'exploitation pour l'Internet des objets. Il est l'un des membres de l'équipe FIT-IoT-LAB, plateforme d’expérimentation de l'IoT.

Emmanuel Baccelli
Emmanuel Baccelli is research scientist at Inria and Professor at Freie Universität Berlin. His research topics are computer networks, protocol design and performance evaluation, and embedded software. Emmanuel Baccelli is a co-founder and coordinator of RIOT.Emmanuel Baccelli est chercheur en informatique chez Inria et Professeur à Freie Universität Berlin. Ses sujets de recherche sont les réseaux informatiques, la conception de protocoles et l'évaluation de performance, et le logiciel embarqué. Emmanuel Baccelli est cofondateur et coordinateur de RIOT.

Antoine Gallais
Antoine Gallais is a Professor at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes. His research topics include routing and MAC protocols for the Internet of Things, fault-tolerance and cybersecurity. Antoine Gallais est Professeur à l'Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes. Sa recherche porte sur les protocoles de contrôle d'accès au medium et de routage pour l'Internet des objets, la tolérance aux pannes et la cybersécurité.

Olivier Gladin
Olivier Gladin worked for ten years in the video game industry and is now a research engineer in the experimentation and development team at Inria Saclay - Île-de-France where he works on very high-resolution wall-sized displays. He is also an IoT enthusiast.Olivier Gladin a travaillé pendant dix dans l'industrie du jeu video et il est maintenant ingénieur de recherche dans l'équipe expérimentation et développement du centre Inria Saclay - Île-de-France où il s'occupe de murs d'écrans très haute résolution. C'est également un passionné d'IoT.

Nathalie Mitton
Nathalie Mitton is a research scientist at Inria (Lille Nord Europe). Her research interests focus on self-organization from PHY to routing for wireless networks composed of hardware constrained devices (battery-powered, low memory and CPU capacities) . Nathalie Mitton est chercheur en informatique chez Inria (Lille Nord Europe). Sa recherche porte sur les mécanismes d’auto-organisation dans les réseaux de capteurs et de robots sans fil et systèmes RFID, de la couche physique à la couche réseau (réseaux composés d'objets contraints matériellement en termes de mémoire, énergie et CPU).

Frédéric Saint-Marcel
Frédéric Saint-Marcel is a research engineer at Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes. Since 2012 he is the technical leader of FIT IoT-LAB development team focusing on Internet of Things and in charge of the testbed exploitation.Frédéric Saint-Marcel est ingénieur de recherche chez Inria Grenoble -Rhône-Alpes. Depuis 2012 il est directeur technique de l'équipe de développement FIT IoT-LAB qui travaille sur l'Internet des objets et qui gère l'exploitation du testbed.

Guillaume Schreiner
Guillaume Schreiner is an engineer working for CNRS at ICube laboratory (UMR 7357) - Strasbourg. Since 2008, he's involved in SensLab and FIT IoT-LAB development, french research projects dealing with IoT. In 2015, he became technical head of ICube Inetlab testbed.Guillaume Schreiner est ingénieur d'études au CNRS et travaille au laboratoire ICube (UMR 7357) à Strasbourg. Depuis 2008, il est impliqué dans les développements des projets ANR SenLab et Equipex FIT IoT-LAB liés au monde de l'Internet des Objets. En 2015, il devient responsable de la plateforme Inetlab de ICube.

Laurent Toutain
Laurent Toutain is a Lecturer and Researcher at IMT Atlantique, Rennes. He is in charge of the OCIF team (Communicating Objects and the Internet of the Future) which designs the Internet of Things by elaborating new algorithms, protocols and architectures for the interconnection of objects to the Internet.Laurent Toutain est Enseignant Chercheur à l'IMT Atlantique, Rennes. Il est responsable de l’équipe OCIF (Objets communicants et Internet du Futur) qui conçoit l’Internet des Objets en élaborant de nouveaux algorithmes, protocoles et architectures pour l’interconnexion des objets à l’Internet.

Julien Vandaële
Julien Vandaële is a research engineer at Inria Lille - North Europe. Since 2008, he has been working in Nathalie Mitton's research team, being part of the developers team of the FIT IoT-LAB platform since its inception. He likes to get involved in innovative projects mixing IoT and embedded electronics, with scientific mediation as a background.Julien Vandaële est ingénieur de recherche chez Inria Lille - Nord Europe. Il travaille depuis 2008 dans l'équipe de recherche de Nathalie Mitton, faisant partie de l'équipe des développeurs de la plateforme FIT IoT-LAB depuis ses débuts. Il aime s'impliquer dans des projets innovants mêlant IoT et électronique embarquée, sur fond de médiation scientifique.


O Instituto Nacional de Investigação em Informática e Controlo (INRIA) é um estabelecimento público francês de carácter científico e tecnológico, especializado em matemática e informática, sob a tutela conjunta do Ministério do Ensino Superior, da Investigação e da Inovação e do Ministério da Economia e das Finanças, criado em 3 de janeiro de 1967.

A missão do Inria é desenvolver a investigação e a transferência de tecnologia no domínio das ciências e técnicas da informação e da comunicação, tanto a nível nacional como internacional. O instituto dirige igualmente a estratégia nacional da França em matéria de investigação sobre a inteligência artificial.


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