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Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- Certificado pago
- 7 sequências
- Intermediate Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
Week 0: Course setup
Installation of Ubuntu-Linux, course simulation setup and supporting software.
Week 1: ROS Essentials
Introduction to ROS Topics, Services, Actions, and Nodes. Simple interaction with the course simulation environment.
Week 2: Build your own robot environment
Software representation of a Robot using Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), ROS parameter server and adding real-world object representations to the simulation environment.
Week 3: Autonomous Navigation
Map creation with GMapping package, autonomously navigate a known map with ROS navigation.
Week 4: Manipulation
Motion planning, pick and place behaviors using industrial robots with ROS MoveIt!
Week 5: Robot Vision
Object detection, pose estimation.
Week 6: Final Project
ROS file system, basic concepts of behavior design with state machines, build a production line application with two industrial robot arms and a mobile robot.
- Basic programming in Python (variables, conditionals, loops and functions)
- A computer ready for Ubuntu-Linux installation
- The knowledge of basic Linear Algebra, computer science concepts and Linux command line is preferred, but students may also choose to learn these skills on their own along the course.
Mukunda Bharatheesha
Post-Doctoral Researcher, TU Delft
Delft University of Technology
Gijs van der Hoorn
Researcher, TU Delft
Delft University of Technology
Carlos Hernandez Corbato
Post-Doctoral Researcher, TU Delft
Delft University of Technology
Martijn Wisse
Professor of Biorobotics, TU Delft
Delft University of Technology
Mohamed Baioumy
Teaching Assistant
Delft University of Technology
Mario Garzon Oviedo
Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Cognitive Robotics
Delft University of Technology
A Universidade de Tecnologia de Delft, mais conhecida por TU Delft, é a maior e mais antiga universidade pública dos Países Baixos.
Tem a sua sede em Delft, nos Países Baixos. No QS World University Rankings 2022, está classificada entre as 10 melhores universidades de engenharia e tecnologia do mundo. Em arquitetura e engenharia civil, ficou classificada em 2º lugar no mundo, a seguir ao MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

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