New World, New Map: GPS for Today’s Music Industry

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

The courseis divided into five academic units, each consisting of three learning segments– the roots, the regulations, and today’s industry methods and practices -scheduled as follows:

 Part One

  • Introduction -  "An Elephant, A Miracle, And The Messengers Of Doom"
  • Roots: Music Publishing & Copyright - “And Music Learned To Play Business”
  • Regulations, Part 1:Music Copyright Fundamentals; © and - “The Birds And The Bees Of The Cs And The Ps”
  • Regulations, Part 2: Musical Works Licensing - “Penny For Your Thoughts (If I Can Sing Them)”
  • Methodsand Practices: Music Publishing - “Can’t Eat A Song, Now Can You?”

 Part Two

  • Roots: Live Music Industry - “Of Bread And Games”
  • Regulations: Live Music Licensing, Insurance, and Permits - “Dotting The Is And Crossing the Ts”
  • Methods and Practices: Concert Promotion - “If You Build It They Will Come…Or Not"

Part Three

  • Roots: Recording Industry - “Sounds For Sale”
  • Regulations: Sound Recording Licensing - “Paying The Piper”
  • Methods and Practices 1: Recording Industry - “Madness, Meet Method”
  • Methods and Practices 2: Standard Recording Agreements - “Bargains And Bridges (For Sale)”

Part Four

  • Roots: Magnetic Recording and Multitracks - “Multiple Magnetic Personality”
  • Regulations: Digital Recording, Reproduction, and Transmission - “Putting A Leash On A Music Byte”
  • Methods and Practices: Recording Production Planning - “A Puzzle Unpuzzled”

Part Five

  • Roots: CD, MP3, and Online Marketplace - “So One Thing Led To Another…”
  • Regulations: Fair Use Doctrine, Sampling, and Creative Commons - “To Use Or Not To Use, That Is The Question”
  • Methods and Practices 1: Recording Agreements for Today’s Industry - “Time To Put Your Clothes On, Emperor”
  • Methods and Practices 2: Music Promotion, Distribution and Sales - "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag (Full Of Online Services)"




  • Darko Velichkovski - Music Industry


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