GPS: An Introduction to Satellite Navigation, with an interactive Worldwide Laboratory using Smartphones

24 h
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  • Individualizado
  • Acesso livre
  • Certificado gratuito
Mais informações
  • 6 sequências
  • Introductive Level

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Part I. Fundamentals of GPS Introduction

· How GPS works and what it does for us (Enge)
· Course objectives & schedule (Enge, van Diggelen)
· The Joy of GPS (van Diggelen)
Module 1: How GPS Works (Enge)
· How GPS works
· Navigation in Our Lives: The Exxon Valdez

Module 2: Pseudoranges (Enge)
· Linearization & error analysis
· Accuracy & dilution of precision (DOP)
· Differential GPS
· Navigation in Our Lives: Landing Airplanes Using GPS
· Experiment A: Accuracy

Module 3: Orbits and Signals
· Satellite orbits
· Signals, codes
· Navigation in Our Lives: Maritime & Air Surveillance
· Experiment B: Satellite Visibility

Part II. Modern GPS receivers: cell phones, tablets and more!

Module 4: Receiver Design Basics
(van Diggelen)
· Power, Receiver design
· Acquisition
· Navigation in Our Lives: GPS in sports
· Experiment C: GPS Signal Power

Module 5: Assisted GPS
(van Diggelen)
· Supplanting the Navigation Message
· Improving Sensitivity
· Navigation in Our Lives: “There’s an app for that” 

Module 6: The Future of GPS and Satellite Navigation (van Diggelen)
· GNSS, all Global Navigation Satellite Systems
· GLONASS, QZSS, Beidou, Galileo, IRNSS, and Future GPS (GPS III)
· Navigation in Our Lives: GPS everywhere




  • Frank van Diggelen - Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Per Enge - Aeronautics & Astronautics


A Leland Stanford Junior University, mais conhecida como Stanford University, é uma universidade privada americana situada em Silicon Valley, a sul de São Francisco.

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