Theatre and Globalization

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  • 6 sequências
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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Definitions, Methods, and Resources for Writing Global Theatre Histories
    Introductions with definitions of "theatre" and "globalization"; conceptualizing 'global theatre histories'; overview of online resources for researching the history of theatre during the late 19th and 20th centuries.
  • Week 2 - Theatre on the move: Migration, Mobility and Modernization
    How we can relate migration and mobility to the dissemination of theatre.
  • Week 3 - Global Players: Actors, Managers and Agents
    Actors, Managers, and Theatrical Agents; with a focus on the people who organized the global migration of theatre.
  • Week 4 - Global Hubs and Local Theatres
    Theatre Buildings as 'Cultural Hubs' and 'Contact Zones'; methodologies and concepts for approaching theatres as places where different people, languages, and cultures met and interacted.
  • Week 5 - East versus West: Cold War Rivaleries
    Theatre and the Cold War; theatre as a site of the rivalry between East and West.
  • Week 6 - Festivalization, Megamusical and Theatrical Global Media
    Festivals, Megamusicals, and Livestreaming; how contemporary types of theatre reflect globalization and new technologies.




Christopher Balme
Institut für Theaterwissenschaft / Department of Theatre Studies


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