Global Environmental Management

35 h
Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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  • Individualizado
  • Acesso livre
  • Certificado pago
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  • 5 sequências
  • Intermediate Level

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - WEEK/MODULE 1: Global Trends
    In the first week we will set the stage for the next weeks. This week presents some of the global trends that influence our environment and the living conditions. We will in particular look at Sustainable development, demography, various aspects of urbanizatio...
  • Week 2 - WEEK/MODULE 2: Environmental Management
    This week we look into different management systems and approaches that are used around the world. Management styles and systems are implemented depending on various factors like culture, history and physical layout of the country. We will see it from general ...
  • Week 3 - WEEK/MODULE 3: Utility Management
    This week we look in how the various utilities manage the environment. We will e.g. look at how the general water supply, waste water systems and solid waste are managed and how other pollution sources are regulated.
  • Week 4 - WEEK/MODULE 4: Technologies for the Built Environment
    In week 4 we look at some of the current environmental technologies that are particularly effective in carrying out their purpose and in an environmental friendly way. We look at how we choose among different technologies and study storm water technologies, ur...
  • Week 5 - WEEK/MODULE 5: Other Technologies
    In the last week we look at the environmental technologies that are not part of the regular urban water systems. We will in particular focus on technologies for sustainable soil management, groundwater protection methods and integrated Water resources manageme...




Henrik Bregnhøj
Ext. Assoc. Prof.
Dept. Environmental Engineering

Steffen Foss Hansen
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Engineering


DTU focuses on research in technical and natural sciences that contributes to the development of society. As an industrially orientated university, our goal is to supply high-level international research based on combining theory with constructing models and empirical methods.


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