Giving 2.0: The MOOC

Giving 2.0: The MOOC

30 h
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  • 6 sequências
  • Introductive Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Introduction to Philanthropy
    Learners will examine how to approach their giving in new ways, why they have given historically and how they – through strategy and planning – can give in a way that matters more.
  • Week 2 - Philanthropic Strategy
    The goal of this module is to study the tools used to craft a philanthropic strategy. Learners will be guided through issue area selection, the theory of change framework, how to assess a social or environmental issue’s landscape and how to pick a high...
  • Week 3 - Nonprofit Selection and Assessment
    This module will empower learners to efficiently assess any nonprofit through a variety of tools, metrics and perspectives. Course participants will learn how to research and engage with nonprofits, as well as conduct a comprehensive nonprofit assessment.
  • Week 4 - Taking Stock
    Learners will reflect on all of the resources they can access and/or deploy in order to realize their full giving potential.
  • Week 5 - Giving with Greater Meaning
    This module centers on discovering the many, diverse ways course participants can leverage their unique philanthropic resources to create the impact they want to have. We have numerous guest speakers sharing their expertise in this module – review the lessons ...
  • Week 6 - Philanthropy – the Never-Ending Gift
    Learners will take stock of their progress over the course and learn how to stay connected with the course content and their fellow course participants moving forward.




Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen


A Leland Stanford Junior University, mais conhecida como Stanford University, é uma universidade privada americana situada em Silicon Valley, a sul de São Francisco.

O seu lema é "Die Luft der Freiheit weht", que significa "O vento da liberdade sopra".

Classificada entre as melhores universidades do mundo na maioria dos rankings internacionais, goza de grande prestígio.


A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.

O Coursera trabalha com as melhores universidades e organizações para disponibilizar alguns dos seus cursos on-line e oferece cursos em várias disciplinas, incluindo: física, engenharia, humanidades, medicina, biologia, ciências sociais, matemática, negócios, ciência da computação, marketing digital, ciência de dados. e outros assuntos.Cours

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