Foundations of Everyday Leadership

Foundations of Everyday Leadership

16 h
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  • 4 sequências
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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Course Orientation
    You will become familiar with the course, your classmates, and our learning environment. The orientation will also help you obtain the technical skills required for the course.
  • Week 1 - Module 1: Head and Heart of Everyday Leadership
    This module will examine what critical levers an everyday leader has available (the management of information and the management of motivation) to accomplish a leader’s core tasks (making and implementing decisions), and why inclusiveness may be the most impor...
  • Week 2 - Module 2: Individual Decision Making
    This module will focus on the management of information (head) side of everyday leadership. We will examine decision analysis as a systematic approach to using information to make decisions, as well as the weaknesses and limitations of decision analysis.
  • Week 3 - Module 3: Group Decision Making
    This module will focus on group decision making as a vehicle for helping an everyday leader address some of the limitations of individual decision making. We will also consider the three key determinants of process loss in group decision making that need to be...
  • Week 4 - Module 4: Managing Motivation
    This module will focus on the managing motivation (heart) side of everyday leadership.  We will examine how leaders can best manage motivation, and the importance for individual motivation of a leader's management of interdependence among group members.




Gregory Northcraft
Professor of Business Administration and Harry J. Gray Professor of Executive Leadership
College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jack Goncalo
Department of Business Administration

Jeffrey Loewenstein
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior
Department of Business Administration


A Universidade de Illinois em Urbana-Champaign foi fundada em 1867 (UIUC). O campus principal da Universidade de Illinois está situado nas cidades gémeas de Champaign e Urbana, duzentos quilómetros a sul de Chicago. 

Esta grande universidade está classificada entre as mais prestigiadas do mundo por várias medições, como a do Center for World University Rankings, que a coloca em 22º lugar a nível mundial para o período 2020-21.


A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.

O Coursera trabalha com as melhores universidades e organizações para disponibilizar alguns dos seus cursos on-line e oferece cursos em várias disciplinas, incluindo: física, engenharia, humanidades, medicina, biologia, ciências sociais, matemática, negócios, ciência da computação, marketing digital, ciência de dados. e outros assuntos.Cours

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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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