Fundamentals of Fluid Power

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  • 6 sequências
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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Week 1: Fundamentals of Fluid Power
    This week: An overview of the course, introduction to hydraulics and pneumatics, and introduction to fundamental concepts of fluid power through the cylinder.
  • Week 2 - Week 2: Components and Concepts: Part 1
    This week: circuit diagrams, the written language of fluid power, and how fluid flows through conduits. We hope that you find the hydraulic circuits on the mowing machine as interesting as we did.
  • Week 3 - Week 3: Components and Concepts: Part 2
    This will be a busy week diving into valves and pumps. We will discuss how basic valves function, how to use them in hydraulic circuits, and how to calculate pressure drop for a given flow rate, or vice versa. The videos will directly address the discussion on...
  • Week 4 - Week 4: Predicting Performance Through Simulation
    This week is entirely devoted to you learning how to use Simscape Fluids (formerly SimHydraulics), the fluid power simulation application that we use in the course. The lecture provides an introduction to computer-based, object-oriented simulation, and goes th...
  • Week 5 - Week 5: Fluid Properties
    This week we will take a dive into hydraulic fluids (no pun intended) and how their properties and behavior influence the circuit operation. In the lectures, you will see the water hammer effect and explore the assumption of fluid incompressibility. We encou...
  • Week 6 - Week 6: Advanced Components and Systems and Course Summary
    This week you will learn about two new components, the accumulator, which stores hydraulic energy, and the servo valve, which provides fast and precise flow control. We will then be pulling together topics from throughout the course to look at servo hydraulic ...




James D. Van De Ven, PhD
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Will Durfee, PhD
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor
Mechanical Engineering


A Universidade de Minnesota, Twin Cities é uma universidade americana fundada em 1851.

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O seu corpo discente é o segundo maior dos Estados Unidos, com 52.557 alunos e um rácio de 1 professor para 16 alunos. Está localizada em dois campus em cada uma das duas cidades, ligados por um sistema de autocarros exclusivo. Devido à geografia única do Minnesota (mais de 12.000 lagos e centenas de quilómetros de parques e florestas), a universidade está fortemente envolvida na investigação sobre o ambiente, recursos renováveis e energia, e desenvolvimento sustentável. O seu impacto económico anual na economia local está estimado em 8,9 mil milhões de dólares.


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