Economics and Policies in a Biobased Economy

Economics and Policies in a Biobased Economy

48 h
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  • 4 sequências
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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Module 1: The Circular Bioeconomy and Policies

In this module, you will be introduced to the economic importance of the circular bioeconomy and learn how to recognize the important driving factors.

Module 2: From Precautionary Approach to CBA

How can we measure these driving factors? Let’s learn about cost-benefit analysis (CBA), the precautionary approach, and the irreversibility effect.

Module 3: Macro Modelling

In module 3, you will learn about the key elements of an integrated assessment framework so that you can visualize the impact of a circular bioeconomy on policy aims. We will focus on macroeconomic modelling tools applied to biobased chemicals.

Module 4: Biofuel's Economics and Policies

To conclude the course, we will look at the economic and policy theories in the specific case of biofuels: what are the key differences of a biofuel mandates and price links? Also, you will be asked to integrate the theory seen in this and in the previous modules by applying it to your own case about bioplastics.


To optimally learn in/from and complete the complete MicroMasters Program we expect you to have a bachelor degree in social sciences (preferably business-, or economics). However, there is no formal entry level requirement for this MOOC.


Justus Wesseler
Professor, Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group
Wageningen University & Research

Dusan Drabik
Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group
Wageningen University & Research

Hans van Meijl
Programme Manager, Food Security and Biobased Economy Themes
Wageningen University & Research


A Universidade de Wageningue está situada em Wageningue, nos Países Baixos. O seu campus está situado na periferia da cidade, o que lhe permite planear numerosas extensões das suas instalações, todas elas já ultramodernas, devido ao seu carácter científico. A universidade centra-se nas ciências da vida, na sociologia, nas relações empresariais e nos recursos naturais.

Em particular, a Universidade acolhe o Instituto Alterra para a investigação multidisciplinar sobre o ambiente artificial e antrópico (ambiente rural, ecologia urbana, espaços verdes, teias verdes).


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