Principles of Economics for Scientists

80 h
Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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  • Individualizado
  • Acesso livre
  • Certificado gratuito
Mais informações
  • 10 sequências
  • Introductive Level

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Week 1. Principles of optimizing behavior.
Week 2. Consumer Theory.
Week 3. Producer Theory.
Week 4. Outcome of competitive markets. 
Week 5. Effects of government intervention in competitive markets: taxes and regulation. 
Week 6. Imperfect competition 1: monopolistic markets.
Week 7. Imperfect competition 2: oligopoly and monopolistic competition.
Week 8. Externalities with and without government intervention.
Week 9. Markets with asymmetric information.




  • Antonio Rangel


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