Digital business - Act on the digital world

Digital business - Act on the digital world

Legendas disponíveis
11 h
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  • 3 sequências
  • Intermediate Level
  • Legendas em English

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Big Picture
Hello! We are delighted to welcome you to this course. During the next 3 weeks, we will show you how to act in the digital world. Let's start by providing you with information on the topics covered during the first week: the idea that digital technology triggers a profound change in companies is largely accepted. There is indeed no question that the digital world is profoundly changing business life. Everyone is now on the same page. But with the digital world come a lot of misconceptions and buzzwords. You can no longer get by with these commonplaces or general ideas. You need to gain a detailed understanding of the main new management paradigms: new marketing approaches, the role of data in data-driven management, large businesses’ struggle to innovate, etc. This will give you precise insight into changes at work. Without precision, it is difficult to understand. Without understanding, it is impossible to act.

Operational Area
Hello! We hope you enjoyed the first week of the course. Welcome to the second week of the course. Many online businesses’ success is owed to high-quality execution by the teams in charge of the product or service delivered. Conquests are made thanks to talents who are ready to effectively pitch their start-up anytime, anywhere, can win masses of clients with no budget, and know-how to retain them and scale up their beta tester base. In order to take on the digital world, you will need to master all the pitching, client acquisition, and scaling techniques.

Focus Area
Hello! The end of the course is approaching. You have one week left. During this third and last week, we would like to focus on specific transformations. Digital-driven changes are both generic and specific. Most transformations apply to all industries, equally and without exception. But in some industries or places, digital transformations are singular and atypical. To be a player in the digital world, you will need to master both the transformations common to all industries and the transformations at work on certain verticals. Retail and the sharing economy are emblematic of markets where specific transformations are unfolding.




Valérie Fernandez
Management Science

Rémi Maniak
Full-Time Professor
Innovation Management

Thomas Houy
Associate Professor
Management Science


O Institut Mines-Télécom é um importante ator público do ensino superior, da investigação e da inovação nos domínios da engenharia e da gestão.

É composto por 10 grandes escolas Mines e Télécom sob a tutela do Ministro da Valorização Produtiva (Mines Albi, Mines Alès, Mines Douai, Mines Nantes, Mines ParisTech, Mines Saint-Etienne, Télécom Bretagne, Télécom École de Management, Télécom ParisTech, Télécom SudParis) e duas escolas subsidiárias (Télécom Lille e Eurecom). Mantém uma relação privilegiada com dois parceiros estratégicos, a Mines Nancy, que faz parte da Universidade da Lorena, e a Armines.

O Institut Mines-Télécom está na vanguarda da inovação pedagógica. É o principal grupo de escolas de engenharia em França, formando 8% dos engenheiros todos os anos.

Os seus cursos abertos em linha fazem parte de um movimento para criar e liderar comunidades de aprendizagem inicial e ao longo da vida. O Institut Mines-Télécom contribuirá para este movimento e envolverá todas as suas partes interessadas: professores-investigadores, estudantes e futuros estudantes, diplomados, empresas e, de um modo geral, todos os aprendentes interessados nas áreas de especialização do Instituto.


A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.

O Coursera trabalha com as melhores universidades e organizações para disponibilizar alguns dos seus cursos on-line e oferece cursos em várias disciplinas, incluindo: física, engenharia, humanidades, medicina, biologia, ciências sociais, matemática, negócios, ciência da computação, marketing digital, ciência de dados. e outros assuntos.Cours

Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
(nenhuma revisão)
Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
(nenhuma revisão)
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