Diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers in global health

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  • 27 sequências
  • Introductive Level
  • Começa em 28 maio 2017
  • Termina em 11 junho 2017

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Programa de Estudos

Chap I : Introduction

  • Françoise Barré-Sinoussi : Biomarkers and IPIN
  • Stanislas Pol : What are we up to with biomarkers?
  • Antonin Ginguay : The role of CA 125 and HE4 in the history of biomarkers +
  • Catherine Larue : Validation of biomarkers
  • Arnaud Fontanet : Definition of a good biomarker from a statistical point of view
  • Amalio Telenti : Use of pharmacogenetics
  • Matthew Albert : Biomarkers: from research to industrial development

Chap II : Biomarkers in infectious diseases

  • Iryna Nikolayeva : Systems Biology Lab and Functional Genetics of Infectious Diseases Unit
  • Laetitia Velly : Early biomarkers for the diagnosis of bacterial infection in emergency departments
  • Yves Germani : biomarkers for meningitis diagnostics
  • Didier Ménard : Biomarks of resistance to artemisinin
  • Béatrice Jacquelin : Creation of diagnostic tools in case of outbreak : the Ebola example
  • Brigitte Gicquel : Biomarkers for multi-drug resistance tuberculosis
  • Elhem Yacoub : Biomarkers for Serodiagnosis of Human Mollicutes Infections
  • Sean Kennedy : Biomarkers of microbiota
  • John Hiscott : Biomarkers for patients infected with Human T cell Leukemia Virus
  • Desmukh Gopaul : A device for the detection of (re)-emerging arboviral diseases

Chap III : Biomarkers in oncology

  • Dominique Bellet : Biomarkers and therapeutic indications in oncology
  • Iradj Sobhani : Colon and Rectal Cancer (CRC) et Biomarkers
  • Pascal Pineau : Biomarkers and HCC

Chap IV : Biomarkers in metabolic and inflammatory diseases

  • Darragh Duffy : Ultrasensitive detection of protein biomarkers for diagnosis of rare diseases
  • Wilson Savino : biomarkers for non-communicable diseases : the case of Duchesne distrophy
  • Sofiane Samir Salah : biomarkers for non-communicable diseases : the case of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Vincent Chouraki : Biomarkers in Alzheimer
  • Cosmin Voican : Biomarkers of excessive alcoholic intake

Chap V : Conclusions

  • Sara Eyangoh : Development of biomarkers in IPIN – perspectives for biomarkers in the future
  • Marie-Astrid Vernet : Conclusion - Take home messages


A bachelor of science is recommended to follow this MOOC.

Un niveau d’étude de Master1 est recommandé pour suivre les sessions de ce MOOC.


Dr. Stanislas Pol
Dr. Stanislas Pol is Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology at Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France. He is the Head of the Liver department at Cochin Hospital, Paris, France. Dr. Pol’s research interests involve: 1. Hepato-virology (diagnosis and therapy of viral hepatitis, especially in populations with immune deficiency); 2. the management of hepatocellular carcinoma and 3. reversal of cirrhosis. He is the head of a group in the research Inserm unit 1223 studying the immune pathology of Hepatitis C virus infection, and the director of the Center of Translationnal Science of Institut Pasteur since 2015.He has published more than 300 primary and review articles in the field of liver diseases. He has previously chaired the coordinated action 24 of the French Agency for AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS: therapeutic trials in viral hepatitis) and he is the clinical head of the French ANRS Hepather (HBV and HCV hepatitis) cohort. Dr. Pol is also member of the French Biomedical Agency where he is responsible for derogations in transplantations indications.

Dr. Marie-Astrid Vernet, PhD
Dr. Marie-Astrid Vernet, PhD, worked from 2013 to 2016 at the Pasteur Center in Cameroon, as an Expert Senior Staff Scientist. Her research themes focus on respiratory infections, viral hemorrhagic fever, public health and outbreak investigation. She had previously worked at BioMérieux as a senior staff scientist, on (among other projects) a biomarker for heart failure management. She did her PhD both at the Institut Pasteur and at Inserm in Vaccinology.


O Institut Pasteur é uma fundação francesa privada, sem fins lucrativos, com sede em Paris, dedicada ao estudo da biologia, dos microrganismos, das doenças e das vacinas.

Criado em 1888 graças a uma subscrição pública internacional, tem o nome de Louis Pasteur1, o seu fundador e primeiro diretor, que em 1885 desenvolveu a primeira vacina contra a raiva.

Durante mais de um século, o Instituto Pasteur esteve na vanguarda da luta contra as doenças infecciosas. Em 1983, este organismo internacional de investigação foi o primeiro a isolar o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH), o vírus que causa a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA). Ao longo dos anos, foi responsável por descobertas revolucionárias que permitiram à medicina controlar doenças virulentas como a difteria, o tétano, a tuberculose, a poliomielite, a gripe, a febre amarela, a peste epidémica, a hepatite B e a SIDA.


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