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Developments of structural dynamics

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- Certificado pago
- 4 sequências
- Intermediate Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
WEEK 1: Analytical dynamics
We will discover the power of Lagrange formalism able to generate the equation of any discrete dynamic system. This seems miraculous because, from energies, we directly extract the complete dynamic equations.
WEEK 2: Linear structures
Linearity is an important domain. Not only because it corresponds to powerfull mathematic tools but also because it's a nominal way to move for a structure. In this topic, we master the modeling of any digital linear system.
WEEK 3: Discrete eigenshapes
We solve the digital dynamic system by Gaussian diagonalization, thus we discover the concept of natural shapes (or eigenshapes), fundamental for the dynamic behavior of any structure. This opens the world towards resonances and implicit analysis. In fact, the modes represent the actual dynamic DNA of the structure.
WEEK 4: Dynamics of beam
Real structures are made with continuous beams and shells. Beams are the ideal prototype for the demonstration of continuous modes showing clearly that there is no fundamental difference between discrete and continuous dynamic shapes. We solve the essential problem of bended dynamic beam representing for instance a bridge, a wing, a javelin in flight, etc.
General assessment
Knowledge of point physics, matrix mathematics,solid mechanics and statics of beams will be particularly helpful.
Yves Gourinat
Full professor (ISAE-SUPAERO - Toulouse University) Physics of Structures & Biodynamics. Chair of Aerospace Structures Advanced Master
L'ISAE-SUPAERO est une référence mondiale de la formation et de la recherche dans les domaines aéronautiques, spatial et systèmes connexes.
L’institut délivre des formations de très haut niveau : formation ingénieur ISAE-SUPAERO, masters, mastères spécialisés et doctorats aux débouchés diversifiés : études scientifiques et techniques, recherche et développement, logistique, conseil, finances...

A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.
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