Develop your venture

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  • 4 sequências
  • Intermediate Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Part #1 - Characterize your market
1. The Sweetch case
2. Analysing the Sweetch case
3. Why bother yourself about the market?
4. Differentiate the various levels of market
5. Assessing the addressable market: the process?
6. Assessing the addressable market: the value proposition
7. Assessing the addressable market: profiling the customer ?
8. Assessing the addressable market: the remaining questions?
9. Assessing the addressable market: what to remember?
10. Find information
11. Summing up
Activity: Characterize a market

Part #2 - Test and prototype your idea
1. From the idea to the product
2. Conceive your MVP
3. Learn from designers about how to prototype
4. Don’t forget about pivoting
5. How Let It Wave pivoted 5 times throughout its life ?
6. Summing up

Part #3 - Use the business model as a guide for execution
1. What is the business model framework?
2. Part 1 of the business model framework
3. Part 2 of the business model framework
4. Optiways Business case
5. Let’s apply the framework to a real opportunity
6. Summing up
Activity: Build a business model

Part #4 - Leverage the business model for early strategic thinking
1. How business model decisions impact strategy?
2. The value as a subsystem
3. What can we learn from Dell and other about the organization as a subsystem?
4. Discover how the economic subsystem can lower adoption hurdles
5. Keep in mind the strategic dynamic of the system
6. Summing up
7. Conclusion

Certificate of achievement




Bruno Martinaud
Bruno Martinaud, serial entrepreneur, teaches Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Polytechnique School of Engineering


A École Polytechnique combina investigação, ensino e inovação ao mais alto nível científico e tecnológico do mundo para responder aos desafios do século XXI. Principal escola de engenharia francesa há mais de 200 anos, a sua formação promove uma cultura de excelência científica multidisciplinar, aberta a uma forte tradição humanista.

Foi fundada em 1794 pela Convenção Nacional Francesa com o nome de École centrale des travaux publics, e militarizada em 1804 por Napoleão I. Inicialmente localizada em Paris, a escola está situada em Palaiseau (Essonne) desde 1976, no coração do pólo tecnológico Paris-Saclay. Tem o estatuto de estabelecimento público científico, cultural e profissional (EPSCP-GE), é uma grande école militar cujo curso de engenharia é tutelado pelo Ministério das Forças Armadas e é membro fundador do Instituto Politécnico de Paris.


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