Data Structures and Performance

Data Structures and Performance

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  • 6 sequências
  • Intermediate Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Introduction to the Course
    Welcome to the first module in the second course of our Intermediate Java Programming Specialization. We'll start with introductions again: to ourselves, the Google engineers, and the structure of the course. After the introduction we'll have a short warm up...
  • Week 2 - Working with Strings
    This week we're going to dive into the course programming project. In the first lesson you'll learn about Strings and Regular Expressions, and in the programming assignment this week you'll apply that knowledge to adding functionality to your text editor so t...
  • Week 3 - Efficiency Analysis and Benchmarking
    Welcome to week 2! The text-editor application you worked with last week does something, but it doesn't do it particularly fast. This week we'll start talking about efficiency. We'll introduce the concept of "Big-O" notation, which sounds a little silly, bu...
  • Week 4 - Interfaces, Linked Lists vs. Arrays, and Correctness
    This week we'll start talking about some of the basic concepts that one expects to find in a data structures course: the idea of data abstraction, and a data structure called a Linked List. Even though Linked Lists are not very efficient structures (for the m...
  • Week 5 - Trees! (including Binary Search Trees and Tries)
    Welcome to week 4! We know you've been working hard. We hope you tried that optional Markov Text Generation programming assignment last week, but if not, no worries. You can always go back and do it later (spoiler alert: it's pretty amazing that such a simp...
  • Week 6 - Hash Maps and Edit Distance
    You made it to the last week! Congratulations on getting this far! In this last week we'll be looking at a fundamental data structure called a Hash Table. If you thought trees were fast, just wait until you see what Hash Tables can do! Your last programmi...




Christine Alvarado
Associate Teaching Professor
Computer Science and Engineering

Mia Minnes
Assistant Teaching Professor
Computer Science and Engineering

Leo Porter
Assistant Teaching Professor
Computer Science and Engineering


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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
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