Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses

Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses

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16 h
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  • 4 sequências
  • Intermediate Level
  • Legendas em Vietnamese

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1 - Conjunctions and Punctuation
    In this first week, you will learn about the different types of conjunctions in English. You'll learn the meaning of each one and how to use them in sentences. You'll also learn how to punctuate sentences with conjunctions correctly.
  • Week 2 - Connectives and Punctuation
    This week, you'll continue learning how to join ideas with correct grammar and punctuation. You'll learn about transition words and prepositional phrases and how to punctuate them correctly.
  • Week 3 - Subordinating Conjunctions and Punctuation
    This week, you'll start learning about writing complex sentences. Adding complex sentences to your skills will make your sentences have more variety. To learn about complex sentences, you'll find out what adverb clauses are and how to punctuate them in your se...
  • Week 4 - Reduced Adverb Clauses and Punctuation
    In the final week, you will learn a more advanced way to write complex sentences. You will do this by reducing the adverb clauses. Again, learning to do this will add variety to your speaking and writing. Enjoy the last week of the course!




Tamy Chapman
Instructor, International Programs
University of California Irvine Division of Continuing Education

Emily Ellis
Instructor, International Programs
University of California Irvine Extension

Brad Gilpin


A Universidade da Califórnia, Irvine (vulgarmente conhecida como UC Irvine) é um campus da Universidade da Califórnia, fundado em 1965 e localizado em Irvine. 

Situada no centro de Orange County, a UC Irvine serve as cinco regiões mais populosas dos Estados Unidos.


A Coursera é uma empresa digital que oferece um curso on-line massivo e aberto, fundado pelos professores de computação Andrew Ng e Daphne Koller Stanford University, localizado em Mountain View, Califórnia.

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Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
(nenhuma revisão)
Este conteúdo é classificado como 4.5 de 5
(nenhuma revisão)
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