The Clinical Psychology of Children and Young People

6 h
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  • 6 sequências
  • Introductive Level

Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos


Matthias Schwannauer

Week 1:What is Development

Jo Williams

In this week we will consider psychological theories of child development and factors that influence child development. We will then introduce you to developmental psychopathology theories that try to explain the emergence of mental health difficulties.

Week 2: Attachment 

Emily Taylor

In this week we will discuss Attachment Theory and current models of attachment.  We will investigate how early experiences shape our development and mental well being, and in which way emotional attachment and mental health interact throughout childhood and adolescence. 

Week 3:Risk and Resilience  

Emily Taylor

In this week we will examine how factors of risk, reliance and vulnerability interact throughout the child and young person's development. We examine the effect of trauma and maltreatment on the mental health and well being of children and which factors protect against the negative impact of such significant negative life events.  Past and current conceptualisations will be considered within applied settings to question how these conceptualisations help assessment and intervention for children and young people.


Week 4:The Psychology of Adolescence 

Stella Chan

In week four we will examine the psychology of adolescence and why adolescent development is a key period for individual transition, but also a period in which major mental health difficulties emerge.  We will also take a look at how adolescents are perceived and the role society plays in their development. We will examine what makes adolescents vulnerable to emotional health problems and approaches of psychological interventions.     


Week 5:Applied Developmental Psychopathology part I

Matthias Schwannauer

In this final week we will look at models of psychological development and approaches to developmental psychopathology. How can we better understand mental health difficulties in children and young people and what can we learn from their adaptability and resilience in the face of stressors and difficult contexts.  

Week 6: Applied Developmental Psychopathology part II

Matthias Schwannauer 

In this second part of Applied Developmental Psychopathology we will have a closer look at psychological models of prevention and intervention of mental health difficulties and their implementation in health care systems and mental health services in particular. We will use the mental health and well being of our children and young people as a mirror to look at the psychological resilience of our societies. 




  • Emily Taylor - School of Health in Social Science
  • Joanne Williams - Clinical Psychology
  • Stella Chan - Clinical Psychology
  • Matthias Schwannauer - Clinical & Health Psychology, School of Health in Social Science


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