Chronic Respiratory Diseases (CRD) in Primary Care Settings

Chronic Respiratory Diseases (CRD) in Primary Care Settings

15 h
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  • 5 sequências
  • Introductive Level
  • Começa em 31 janeiro 2021
  • Termina em 28 fevereiro 2021

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Module 1: The global burden of chronic respiratory disease
Module 2: Diagnosis and management of asthma in resource-poor settings
Module 3: Diagnosis and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in resource-poor settings
Module 4: Diagnosis and management of other chronic respiratory diseases common in resource-poor settings
Module 5: Top tips for implementing care for people with chronic respiratory disease in resource-poor settings


This course is designed for those working within or those with an interest in diagnosis and management of respiratory care/primary care in resource-constrained countries.

The course is aimed at all interested primary healthcare professionals in low- and middle-income countries. In particular, frontline healthcare workers in primary care and (where there may not be a primary care infrastructure) community healthcare workers (CHW).

It is applicable to staff (including doctors, nurses, and community healthcare workers) delivering primary healthcare in these countries, plus policy-makers, managers, community leaders, and individuals concerned about chronic respiratory disease.


Siân Williams
Siân is Chief Executive Officer at the International Primary Care Respiratory Group, a clinically-led charity working locally and collaborating globally to improve respiratory health in primary care.

Hilary Pinnock
Hilary is Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, NIHR Global Health Research Unit (RESPIRE), University of Edinburgh and a family doctor in Whitstable, Kent

Kamilla Ramdzan
Kamilla is a senior lecturer and a family medicine specialist at the Department of Primary Care Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia.

Md. Nazim Uzzaman
Nazim has been involved in developing and conducting training for primary care physicians on asthma and COPD in Bangladesh and providing primary care to people with chronic respiratory diseases

Monsur Habib
Monsur is a primary care respiratory physician with over 35 years of experience in clinical practice. Monsur is also a founding & senate member of the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG).

Aziz Sheikh
Aziz is Professor of Primary Care Research & Development, Director of the Usher Institute and Dean of Data at The University of Edinburgh.

Juliet McDonnell
Juliet McDonnell is Teaching & Learning Projects Manager with the International Primary Care Respiratory Group. She is a highly experienced project lead and educator in healthcare and higher education


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