Alcohol, Drugs, and Baby Boomers: Are you ready?

Alcohol, Drugs, and Baby Boomers: Are you ready?

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

WEEK 1: Substance use and the older adult: how common is it and why should we care?
  • Who is a baby boomer: the aging population
  • Introduction to substance use and the older adult
  • Prevalence of substance use among those over the age of 50
  • Understanding substance use related harm and the older adult
WEEK 2: The aging body and the use of alcohol and drugs – what are the risks?
  • Acute effects of alcohol
  • Substance use disorders in the older adult
  • Alcohol and aging
  • Long term effects
WEEK 3: Reducing substance-related harm in the older adult
  • Introduction to prevention
  • Harm Reduction Model for prevention
  • IOM prevention model for substance use disorders
  • Intervention perspectives
WEEK 4: Screening for at-risk substance use in the older adult
  • Introduction to screening
  • Domains of substance use and substance use disorders
  • Screening approaches
  • Screening and assessment
WEEK 5: Brief interventions and referral to treatment - healthy choices
  • Referral to treatment
  • Comorbidity
  • Self-help support programs
  • Care givers 
  • Maintenance: healthy living and substance use 




  • Deborah Finnell - Department of Acute and Chronic Care
  • Christine Savage - Department of Community-Public Health


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