At the heart of medical radioactivity

At the heart of medical radioactivity

6 h
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  • 6 sequências
  • Introductive Level
  • Começa em 24 fevereiro 2019
  • Termina em 5 abril 2019

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 0 : Introduction to the MOOC
    • Ep#1: History of Nuclear Medicine 
    • Ep#2: Medical use of ionizing radiation
  • Week 1 : What is Radioactivity?
    • Ep#1: Journey to the heart of matter
    • Ep#2: The Origins of Radioactivity
    • Ep#3: The Different Types of Radioactivity
    • Ep#4: Concepts in Radiobiology
  • Week 2 : Production of Radioactive Isotopes
    • Ep#1: Cyclotron production: The example of fluorine-18
    • Ep#2: Cyclotron production: The example of Astatine-211
    • Ep#3: The Neutron Reactor: Example of iodine-131 production
    • Ep#4: Generator production: Example of metastable Technetium-99
  • Week 3 : Radiopharmaceuticals: Definition and Mode of Action
    • Ep#1: What is a radiopharmaceutical?
    • Ep#2: How radiopharmaceuticals work: The concept of molecular targeting
    • Ep#3: Radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic applications
    • Ep#4: Radiopharmaceuticals for Therapeutic Applications
  • Week 4 : Medical Applications
    • Ep#1: Patient pathway - Diagnostic tests in conventional nuclear medicine: an example of bone and myocardial scintigraphy
    • Ep#2: Patient pathway - Diagnostic Tests using Positron Emission Tomography: Example of FDG PET
    • Ep#3: Patient pathway - Therapeutic Applications: An Example of Iodine-131 radiotherapy
    • Ep#4: Contribution of nuclear medicine to personalized medicine
    • Ep#5: Contribution of Nuclear Medicine in the management of breast cancer
    • Ep#6: Use of ionizing radiation in external radiotherapy
  • Week 5 : Radioprotection
    • Ep#1: Radiation protection: Regulatory framework and theoretical data
    • Ep#2: Practical radiation protection
    • Ep#3: Perception of radioactivity, theoretical data
    • Ep#4: The hospitalization experience in a shielded room of patients with thyroid cancer treated with iodine-131


Consumer Scientific MOOC: There are no mandatory prerequisites to using and understanding this MOOC. Nevertheless, a high school level of scientific understanding will make it easier to understand some technical concepts discussed in the courses, especially in the advanced levels of knowledge presented.


Caroline Bodet-Milin
Caroline Bodet-Milin is a physician in the nuclear medicine department of the University Hospital of Nantes and on the PETSCAN platform of IRCNA. She is also a senior lecturer in biophysics-nuclear medicine and a researcher in the nuclear oncology group of INSERM UMR 1232 unit, and studies radioimmunotherapy and phenotypic imaging in nuclear medicine.

Mickaël Bourgeois
Mickaël Bourgeois is a radiopharmacist at Nantes University Hospital and the ARRONAX cyclotron. He is also a lecturer in biophysics and a researcher in the nuclear oncology group of the INSERM UMR 1232 unit, and studies radioimmunotherapy and phenotypic imaging in nuclear medicine.


L’université de Nantes est une université française située à Nantes. Elle a été créée sous sa forme actuelle par un décret du 29 décembre 1961, mais trouve son origine dans l'Université de Bretagne fondée en 1461 par François II, duc de Bretagne et dissoute au moment de la Révolution française.

Elle possède plusieurs campus dans l'agglomération nantaise (Tertre, Lombarderie, centre-ville, Chantrerie), et compte aussi des antennes à Saint-Nazaire et à La Roche-sur-Yon.


France Université Numérique est le diffuseur des cours en ligne des établissements d’enseignement supérieur français et de leurs partenaires.

Il opère plusieurs plateformes de diffusion, dont la plus connue, FUN MOOC, est la première plateforme académique francophone mondiale. Grâce à de nombreux établissements partenaires, cette plateforme propose un vaste catalogue de cours s’enrichissant de jour en jour avec des thématiques variées et d’actualité.

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