The Analytics Edge

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  • 13 sequências
  • Intermediate Level
  • Começa em 13 setembro 2020
  • Termina em 6 dezembro 2020

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • An applied understanding of many different analytics methods, including linear regression, logistic regression, CART, clustering, and data visualization
  • How to implement all of these methods in R
  • An applied understanding of mathematical optimization and how to solve optimization models in spreadsheet software


Basic mathematical knowledge (at a high school level). You should be familiar with concepts like mean, standard deviation, and scatterplots. Mathematical maturity and prior experience with programming will decrease the estimated effort required for the class, but are not necessary to succeed.


Dimitris Bertsimas
Boeing Professor of Operations Research

Allison O'Hair
Stanford University

John Silberholz
Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations at U. of Michigan's Ross School of Business
University of Michigan

Iain Dunning
Senior Research Engineeer
DeepMind Technologies Ltd

Angie King
Data Scientist
End-to-End Analytics

Velibor Misic
Assistant Professor at UCLA's Decisions, Operations and Technology Management Anderson School of Management
University of California, Los Angeles

Nataly Youssef
MyA Health


O Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) é um instituto de investigação e uma universidade americana especializada em ciência e tecnologia. Situado em Cambridge, Massachusetts, nos arredores de Boston, no nordeste dos Estados Unidos, o MIT é frequentemente considerado como uma das universidades mais importantes do mundo.

Publica a Technology Review, uma revista científica dedicada à engenharia, ciência e inovação.


EdX est une plateforme d'apprentissage en ligne (dite FLOT ou MOOC). Elle héberge et met gratuitement à disposition des cours en ligne de niveau universitaire à travers le monde entier. Elle mène également des recherches sur l'apprentissage en ligne et la façon dont les utilisateurs utilisent celle-ci. Elle est à but non lucratif et la plateforme utilise un logiciel open source.

EdX a été fondée par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology et par l'université Harvard en mai 2012. En 2014, environ 50 écoles, associations et organisations internationales offrent ou projettent d'offrir des cours sur EdX. En juillet 2014, elle avait plus de 2,5 millions d'utilisateurs suivant plus de 200 cours en ligne.

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