Agile Leadership Principles and Practices

Agile Leadership Principles and Practices

8 h
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  • 4 sequências
  • Advanced Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

  • Week 1: The first week of this course jumps right into our traditional notions of leadership, defining the concept, the characteristics of a leader, the science of leadership, and the styles that exist today across master and servant models (Primal Leadership, Team Leadership, Situational Leadership, and Transformational Leadership).

  • Week 2: The second week exposes the reasoning behind servant leadership as the optimal approach and how old philosophies and “modern psychology” reinforce the need for leaders to empower teams. Gamification and the power of play are emphasized to ensure optimal contribution and performance across roles on the scaled Agile teams. Here you'll learn the scrum master's secrets and agile techniques for running highly productive teams.

  • Week 3: The third week explores human decision making, its power and its faults in the form of biases, and how we can train ourselves through emotional-social intelligence and mindfulness to go faster by slowing down. Negotiation styles and techniques are also covered requiring self-reflection on how one handles conflict and manages competing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising, and collaborating challenges. These techniques are critical for product owners, scrum masters, and those leading in any capacity.

  • Week 4: The final week focuses on putting these lessons into practice with real-world approaches and tools for managing and facilitating decisions, interactions, and environments for optimal team performance.




John Johnson
Professional Programs Manager, Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland
University of Maryland, College Park


A Universidade de Maryland é a principal universidade do estado e uma das principais universidades públicas de investigação do país. Líder mundial em investigação, empreendedorismo e inovação, a universidade alberga mais de 37.000 estudantes, 9.000 professores e funcionários e 250 programas académicos. 

O seu corpo docente inclui três laureados com o Prémio Nobel, três vencedores do Prémio Pulitzer, 47 membros de academias nacionais e um grande número de académicos Fulbright. A instituição tem um orçamento operacional de 1,8 mil milhões de dólares, angaria 500 milhões de dólares por ano em fundos de investigação externos e concluiu recentemente uma campanha de angariação de fundos de mil milhões de dólares.


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