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Add Google Maps to your Android App

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- 2 sequências
- Introductive Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
Overview of Google Play services and an introduction to the goals and structure of this series.Lesson 1 - Getting Started
Add maps to your app, understand the different map types, and learn how to use the Google Developers console to get an API key. Even create a map that flies around the world!Lesson 2 - Going Deeper
Understand the Camera, and how it's used to project a map. Learn about zooming to different locations, and changing the camera tilt and direction. Learn about Markers, and how to place them on a map, as well as drawing shapes that are correctly geographically projected -- including lines, polylines and circles.Lesson 3 - Advanced Topics: Street View
Learn about StreetView and how you can look at various locations around the globe as if you were there. Build a virtual hike down the Grand Canyon, and learn how to modify this to make it perfect for your app.Capstone Project (2 Stages)
*This project assumes that you have completed , and , in addition to this course.*Design, then build, your own Android app.Pré-requisito
- Laurence Moroney - When he’s not building apps, shooting videos or writing courses in his role as Developer Advocate at Google, Laurence Moroney is usually thinking about them. He has worked in technology advocacy for more years than he can count, for companies such as Mainsoft, Microsoft and more. He cut his teeth as a developer writing systems to run surveillance and security for industries as diverse as casinos, jails and financial services. Laurence is the best-selling author of several books, including the popular ‘Legend of the Locust’ science fiction series, and dozens more on computer programming. He’s the host of the ‘Coffee with a Googler’ show on YouTube, and can be reached at @lmoroney or +LaurenceMoroney.
- Jocelyn Becker - Jocelyn Becker wrote the developer guide for the very first external Google API, the Adwords API, back in 2004, and she's been documenting Google APIs and training developers to use them ever since.
- Magnus Hyttsten - Magnus Hyttsten works as a Developer Advocate at Google. He is an uncompromising software technologist and product marketing fanatic who likes to work in fast-paced environments. Prior to joining Google, he worked for a company in the Telecommunications Industry that he co-founded and worked as CTO for since 2000. He enjoys the datacenter, statically-typed programming languages, evangelizing about technology, and doing things that have not been tried before. Right now, he is extremely passionate about connecting mobile devices with the Cloud.
A Google é uma empresa fundada em 4 de setembro de 1998 na garagem da Google em Silicon Valley, Califórnia, por Larry Page e Sergueï Brin, criadores do motor de busca Google.
A empresa tornou-se conhecida principalmente pela posição monopolista do seu motor de pesquisa, que enfrentou a concorrência, primeiro do AltaVista e depois do Yahoo! e do Bing. Desde então, a empresa fez uma série de aquisições e desenvolvimentos e, atualmente, é proprietária de uma série de produtos de software e sítios Web notáveis, incluindo o YouTube, o sistema operativo Android para telemóveis e outros serviços como o Google Earth, o Google Maps e o Google Play.

Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.
Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.