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More Introduction to Financial Accounting

- Individualizado
- Acesso livre
- Certificado pago
- 6 sequências
- Introductive Level
Detalhes do curso
Programa de Estudos
- Week 1 - Week 5: Introduction and Working Capital Assets
Now that we have a solid grasp of the foundations from the Introduction to Financial Accounting course, we are going to work our way around the Balance Sheet to discuss various types of Assets, Liabilities, and Stockholders' Equity (along with their associated... - Week 2 - Week 6: Long-lived Assets and Marketable Securities
This week, we will cover assets that represent longer-term investments. We will start with Property, Plant, and Equipment, covering questions like: What gets included in these accounts? How are they depreciated? What happens if their value is impaired? Then,... - Week 3 - Week 007: Liabilities and Long-term Debt
We move to the right-hand side of the Balance Sheet this week with a look at Liabilities. We will start by covering time-value of money, which is the idea that $1 today is not worth the same as $1 in the future. Almost all liabilities involve a consideration... - Week 4 - Week 8: Deferred Taxes
There are two certainties in life, and we will cover one of them this week (the other is beyond the scope of the course). We will NOT teach you how to prepare your own tax return. Instead, we will discuss how companies have to prepare "two sets of books": th... - Week 5 - Week 9: Shareholders' Equity
Our final week of new material ends at the bottom of the Balance Sheet: Shareholders' Equity. We will talk about issuing stock, repurchasing stock, Treasury Stock, stock dividends and splits, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, and stock-based compensatio... - Week 6 - Week 10: Financial Statement Analysis
In the videos this week, I go through a systematic financial statement analysis for a company. There is no homework assignment for this material and it will not be explicitly covered on the exam (although some of the concepts are a review of material we have c...
Brian J Bushee
The Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor
A Universidade da Pensilvânia (vulgarmente conhecida como Penn), fundada em 1740, é uma universidade privada situada em Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, EUA. Membro da Ivy League, a Penn é a quarta instituição de ensino superior mais antiga dos Estados Unidos e considera-se a primeira universidade dos Estados Unidos a oferecer cursos de licenciatura e pós-graduação.

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