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    The World Bank Group is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. We support developing countries through policy advice, research and analysis, and technical assistance. Our analytical work often underpins World Bank Group financing and helps inform developing countries’ own investments. The Leadership, Learning and Innovation (LLI) is a global connector of knowledge, learning and innovation. LLI translates global knowledge into evidence-based learning programs, including e-learning and MOOCs, knowledge exchange, and some combination of these with traditional face-to-face learning.


    YouTube est un site web d’hébergement de vidéos et un média social sur lequel les utilisateurs peuvent envoyer, regarder, commenter, évaluer et partager des vidéos. Il a été créé en février 2005 par Steve Chen, Chad Hurley et Jawed Karim, trois anciens employés de PayPal et racheté par Google en octobre 2006 pour 1,65 milliard de dollars.

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