Water in the Western United States

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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


MODULE 0. Course Introduction and CourseBasics  
Lecture 1:How the Class Works
Lecture 2:Why Study Water in the Western US?
Lecture 3:Overview of the Water Cycle
Lecture 4: Major Physical Geography andSocial Characteristics of River Basins in the Western US

MODULE 1. History, Politics, andCulture of Water Development in the Western US

Lecture 1:History of Water Development in the West
Lecture 2:Native American Tribes and Water
Lecture 3:Water Storage and Delivery Infrastructure
Lecture 4:The Prior Appropriation System
Lecture 5:Interstate Water Conflicts and Agreements
Lecture 6:Environmental Flows; Water and the Endangered Species Act

MODULE 2. Hydrology, Water Demand,and Climate in the Western US

Lecture 1:Climate in the Western US and Its Impact on Water Resources
Lecture 2:Water Quality, Aquatic Habitat, and Drinking Water
Lecture 3:Groundwater Resources
Lecture 4:Watershed Impacts
Lecture 5:River and Flash Flooding
Lecture 6:Water Demand for Agriculture
Lecture 7:Water Demand for Urban Areas
Lecture 8:Impacts of Climate Change in the Interior West

MODULE 3. Case Study: The ColoradoRiver Basin
Lecture 1: Geographic and PhysicalOverview of the Colorado River Basin
Lecture 2: History of Development ofthe Colorado River Basin: The Era of Big Dams
Lecture 3: Climate and the ColoradoRiver Basin: Past, Present, and Future
Lecture 4: The Colorado River BasinWater Supply and Demand Study
Lecture 5: Human Control vs. NaturalVariability: The Grand Canyon Experimental Flows Program

MODULE 4. Controversial Water Issuesin Depth and Course Conclusion
Lecture 1:Science, Management, and Reality: The Story of the California Bay Delta
Lecture 2:Doing More With Less: Water Conservation and New Supplies in Las Vegas
Lecture 3:A Growing Controversy: Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Supplies
Lecture 4:Understanding Water Quality Impacts: Boulder Creek Case Study
Lecture 5: The Water-Energy Nexus
Lecture 6:What Does the Future Hold? Climate Change, Growing Populations, and Solutionsfor the Future
Lecture 7: Course Conclusion




  • Anne Gold - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
  • Eric Gordon - Western Water Assessment


L'université du Colorado à Boulder est une université américaine située à Boulder (Colorado).

L'université est créée en 1870, six ans après la création de l'État du Colorado. Elle est construite sur 30 hectares. En 1872, le campus est agrandi et passe à 80 hectares.


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