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Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Biochemical Technology | 水处理工程:生物化学方法
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- 10 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
- Sous-titres en Chinese
Détails du cours
Chapter 0: Introduction
I. Development Status of Wastewater Treatment Process
II. Typical Processes of Wastewater Biological Treatment
III. Main Contents
Chapter 1: Basic Principles of Wastewater Biological Treatment
1.1 Principles of Wastewater Aerobic Biological Treatment
1.2 Principles and Determination of Wastewater Biodegradability
1.3 Principles of Wastewater Anaerobic Biological Treatment
1.4 Principles of Wastewater Biological Nitrogen Removal
1.5 Principles of Wastewater Biological Phosphorus Removal
Chapter 2: Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Process
Activated Sludge Process
2.1 The Basic Concept of Activated Sludge Process
2.2 Growth Rule of Activated Sludge and its Application
2.3 Running Mode of Activated Sludge Process Kinetics of Activated Sludge Process
2.4 Principles, Methods and Equipments for Aeration
2.5 Designing of Activated Sludge Process Operation and Management of Activated Sludge Process
Chapter 3 Aerobic Biological Treatment Process (2)
3.1 Basic Principle of Biofilm
3.2 Biofilter
3.3 Biodisk
3.4 Biological Contact Oxidation Process
3.5 Aerobic Biological Fluidized Bed
Chapter 4: Wastewater Aerobic Biological Treatment Process (3 )
Other Processes
4.1 Oxidation Ditch Process
4.2 A-B (Adsorption - Biodegradation) Process
4.3 Sequence Batch activated sludge Process (SBR)
4.4 Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR) Process
Chapter 5: Wastewater Anaerobic Biological Treatment Process
5.1 Development Status and Characteristics of Anaerobic Biological Treatment Process
5.2 Anaerobic Digester
5.3 Anaerobic Contact Process and Anaerobic Biofilter
5.4 UASB Process
5.5 Other Anaerobic Biological Treatment Processes
5.6 Operation and Management of Anaerobic Biological Treatment Process
Chapter 6: Biological Nitrogen Removal Process
6.1 Overview
6.2 Biological Nitrogen Removal Process and Technology
6.3 Simultaneous Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Process
Chapter 7: Natural Biological Treatment Process
7.1 Biological Stabilization Pond Process
7.2 Land Treatment Process
Chapter 8 Sludge Treatment and Disposal Process
8.1 Source, Nature and Treatment of Sludge
8.2 Sludge Thickening and Digestive Stability
8.3 Sludge Conditioning, Dewatering and Drying Incineration
Chapter 9: Interview
Principles of Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering Monitoring
Water Treatment Microbiology
Zuo Jiane
Professor and Vice-President, School of Environment
Tsinghua University
L'université Tsinghua est une université chinoise située à Pékin, considérée comme une des plus prestigieuses de la république populaire de Chine. Lors de sa création en 1911, c'était une école de préparation souhaitant faire un deuxième cycle dans des universités américaines.
En 1925, Tsinghua s'est développée en université et elle propose maintenant des diplômes de premier cycle en quatre ans (baccalauréat universitaire) et des diplômes de deuxième et de troisième cycle (maîtrise et doctorat).
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