Understanding economic policymaking

Understanding economic policymaking

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Plus d'informations
  • 7 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Spanish, Turkish, Arabic

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Macroeconomy Overview
    We are surrounded by news and commentary on the macroeconomy. To understand it, we need to grasp the meaning of GDP, inflation and unemployment and see what their “normal” levels are and how they relate to one another. Though these levels and relationships a...
  • Week 2 - The Fiscal Policy Tool
    Welcome to Module 2! We will be going into fiscal policy, which is one of the key tools that authorities have to influence the economy and bring GDP closer to its ideal growth rate. It consists of changes in government spending and taxes. To try to gauge how ...
  • Week 3 - Deficits, Debts, Myths and Realities
    Welcome to Module 3! Now we know how fiscal policy is supposed to work in the economy, to close recessionary or inflationary gaps. In this module we will get into the nuts and bolts of deficits and debts in the real world and I am sure we will have some inte...
  • Week 4 - Monetary Policy
    Welcome to Module 4! This week we're tackling a fascinating issue, which is monetary policy, and I anticipate some very interesting debates. Monetary policy is the other main tool that governments can use to influence the economy. Monetary authorities work t...
  • Week 5 - Combining Policies and Other Policy Tools
    Welcome, Courserians, to our fifth module in the Understanding Economic Policy course! We have so many tools in hand now that we can spend our last sessions putting the pieces together and tackling real-world policy questions. There is little that could be mor...
  • Week 6 - Policymaking in the Wake of the Financial Crisis
    You are now in the last module of our Understanding Economic Policymaking course! Having reviewed the theory behind economic policymaking, we devote the last module to discovering what policymakers are actually doing in the leading developed countries of the ...




Gayle Allard


L'IE Business School, de son nom complet Instituto de Empresa Business School, est une école de commerce espagnole située à Madrid.

Elle est régulièrement reconnue par divers classements comme une des meilleures écoles de commerce d'Europe et du monde, et une des meilleures en Espagne, en particulier pour son programme MBA.

Créée en 1973 par Diego del Alcázar, l'école offre un large choix de programmes et de diplômes en management: MBA, Global MBA, Executive MBA, Master in Management (MIM), de masters spécialisés dont le Master en Finance (MiF), de Doctorats (DBA et PhD), ainsi que des programmes Executive Education pour cadres dirigeants.

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