Tricky English Grammar

Tricky English Grammar

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Plus d'informations
  • 4 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en French, Vietnamese, Slovak, Spanish

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Welcome
    This is the third course in the Learn English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. Learning English can be tricky, and in this class you'll focus on some of those tricky issues. You'll get clear explanations about the difficult grammar points and practice in ...
  • Week 1 - Nouns, Articles, and Quantifiers
    This week, you'll learn about tricky nouns, articles, and quantifiers. When should you put "a" or "the" in front of a noun? When should you put nothing in front of the noun? In this module, you'll find the answers to these questions, and you'll get lots of pra...
  • Week 2 - Gerunds, Infinitives, and Requests and Permission
    This week will not be as intense as last week was, but you will still have the chance to learn about some tricky grammar. First, you'll learn about using gerunds and infinitives correctly. Then you'll learn about making requests and asking for permission, some...
  • Week 3 - Confusing Word Forms
    You've learned about some tricky grammar, but there are other things that make English hard to learn. This week, you'll learn about some word forms that cause confusion. You'll soon understand the difference between some pairs of words that always seem tricky.
  • Week 4 - Phrasal Verbs and Collocations
    There are a few more tricky English points that we want you to learn. In the final week, you will learn about phrasal verbs and collocations. These are two big grammar points that often give language learners difficulty, but you will get lots of practice with ...




Tamy Chapman
Instructor, International Programs
University of California Irvine Division of Continuing Education

Helen Nam
International Programs, UCI Extension

Brad Gilpin


L'université de Californie à Irvine (University of California, Irvine ; communément appelée UC Irvine) est un campus de l'université de Californie fondé en 1965, situé à Irvine. 

Au centre du comté d'Orange, UC Irvine dessert les cinq régions les plus peuplées des États-Unis.


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