Tinkering Fundamentals: Circuits

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


Week One: Introduction to Tinkering
What is tinkering? Is it different from engineering or other forms of making?

Week Two: Initial Explorations
What better way to learn about tinkering than to try it! We invite you to start by playing with circuit boards.

Week Three: Learning Dimensions
This week, it's scribbling machines! We'll also investigate how tinkering maps on to different indicators of learning.

Week Four: Tinkering Tenets and Personal Expression
Try your hand with paper circuits and sewn circuits, and explore the aesthetic dimensions of tinkering, including key design elements and basic principles.

Week Five: Coding, Computation and Facilitation Strategies
A look at the high-tech side of tinkering, plus strategies for facilitation and deep engagement.

Week Six: Putting It All Together
How will you take what you've learned in this class and apply it to your own life? We'll help you come up with a detailed action plan and get feedback from other students in the class.




Mike Petrich
Director, Informal Learning Center

Karen Wilkinson
Director, Tinkering Studio

Luigi Anzivino
Professional Development Lead
Tinkering Studio


The Exploratorium is a twenty-first-century learning laboratory, an eye-opening, always-changing, playful place to explore and tinker. For more than forty years, we’ve built creative, thought-provoking exhibits, tools, programs, and experiences that ignite curiosity, encourage exploration, and lead to profound learning. We use the same tools and approaches to design compelling professional development programs for teachers ranging from novice to expert, elementary to high school, and formal and informal, in fields of science, math, and engineering. To date the Exploratorium has provided in-depth, multi-year programming to thousands of educators from over 450 school districts in 47 states and in many different countries.


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