The French Revolution

The French Revolution

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Spanish, Romanian

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Week 1 - France in the 1780s
    We begin this course with an introduction to the French Revolution. We will examine the social and institutional structures of the Old Regime. We will look at the main occupational groups and the roles of the First and Second estates (the clergy and nobility) ...
  • Week 2 - Week 2 - The Revolution of 1789
    This week we look at the Revolution of 1789 and its causes. We will explore the tensions and conflicts that led to the crisis of the Old Regime. The focus will be on the Third Estate and the revolt of the bourgeoisie, the 'menu peuple' and the peasantry. We wi...
  • Week 3 - Week 3 - The Reconstruction of France, 1789-92
    Week three of this MOOC deals with the reforms introduced in 1789-91. We look at the institutional and administrative reorganisation of France. We will then consider three critical turning points of the Revolution: the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, the Kin...
  • Week 4 - Week 4 - The Republic in crisis 1792-93
    Week four deals with the crisis of the Republic in 1792-93. We will examine the conflicts and disunity within the National Convention and consider the balance between revolutionary and counter-revolutionary forces by mid-1793. We will explore the civil war in ...
  • Week 5 - Week 5 - Ending the Terror and Ending the Revolution
    This week we look at the ideology and culture of the 'Terror' and the nature of the Jacobin and sans-culottes alliance. We will consider possible explanations for the increasing intensity of revolutionary violence and ask whether such violence was a proportion...
  • Week 6 - Week 6 - Change and continuity: How revolutionary was the Revolution?
    This final week of the course offers you the opportunity to reflect broadly on the significance of the Revolution. We begin by looking at Napoleon Bonaparte and the Restoration of the monarchy in 1814-15. We then consider the ways in which the revolutionary ex...




Peter McPhee
Honorary, Melbourne Graduate School of Education


The University of Melbourne is an internationally recognised research intensive University with a strong tradition of excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement. Established in 1853, it is Australia's second oldest University.


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