Terrorism and Counterterrorism

Terrorism and Counterterrorism

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Détails du cours


  • Recall the working definitions of terrorism and recognize their analytic limits
  • Identify a range of causes of terrorism
  • Understand the strategies and tactics of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Islamic State
  • Identify important terrorist groups in the Middle East and South Asia with an understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness; these include Palestinian groups, Pakistani groups, and Al-Qaeda
  • Understand how counterterrorism is constrained in a democratic society and several important legal debates related to counterterrorism




Daniel Byman
Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University

Christine Fair
Assistant Professor, Security Studies Program
Georgetown University

Bruce Hoffman
Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University

Paul Pillar
Non-resident senior fellow, Center for Security Studies
Georgetown University

Jordan Abu-Sirriya
Teaching Assistant
Georgetown University


Georgetown University


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