Foundations of Teaching for Learning 6: Introduction to Student Assessment

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - An Introduction to Assessment Theory and Practice
    What is the purpose of assessment? Research has shown that opinions on this differ around the world. In this week’s general introduction to assessment theory and practice, you can compare your own experience of assessment with some contrasting experiences from...
  • Week 2 - The nature of feedback in improving teaching and learning
    Feedback can vary greatly in its effectiveness. In the lectures this week we will identify the key characteristics of good (and bad) feedback. We will explore the practice of incorporating feedback into teaching. Teachers and students have their own views on w...
  • Week 3 - Reporting student achievement
    Welcome back to our third week of exploring ideas connected to assessment. In the lectures this week, we explore current approaches to reporting and raise important questions about their validity. We will consider the strengths and weaknesses of standardized t...
  • Week 4 - Guidelines for developing and using objectively answered question procedures
    This week we describe specific techniques for designing assessment tools. The assessment tool that we will focus on is multiple-choice questions (MCQs), however we will present a number of different formats. You will be given practical advice and tools for cre...
  • Week 5 - Guidelines for developing and using human judgement scoring procedures
    Last week we focused on assessments that could be scored against agreed correct answers. We will now look at judgement-based assessments. The main assessment method used in teaching has changed from objective-style to using judgement-based assessment. This ch...
  • Week 6 - Guidelines for developing and using procedures that involve students in assessment
    In this final week we will define two assessment practices that involve student participation: self-assessment and peer assessment. We will provide you with exemplars of both kinds of assessment for your own personal use, and point you to important issues that...




  • Dr Peter Keegan, Senior Lecturer, Te Puna Wānanga, Faculty of Education
    University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Associate Professor Gavin Brown, Director, Faculty of Education Quantitative Data Analysis and Research Unit
    University of Auckland, New Zealand


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