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Sustainable Agricultural Land Management
32 h
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- 8 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
- Week 1 - Introduction to Sustainable Agricultural Land Management
In week 1, we will introduce you to the instructor and give you and overview of the course and project. - Week 2 - Water Quality Issues and Regulations
In week 2, we will take a look at the big picture and some interesting examples, discuss the value of agriculture, and cover the im - Week 3 - TMDLs & Nutrients
In week 3, we will discuss TMDLs and agriculture, agricultural soils, and the first part of nutrient fates. - Week 4 - Best Management Practices
For week 4, we will dig deeper into nutrient fates and talk about nutrient mass balance. - Week 5 - Soil Management
For week 5, we will look at soil management in detail and begin to discuss soil testing. - Week 6 - Nutrient Management
In week 6, we will continue talking about soil testing and then cover proper nutrient management. - Week 7 - Water for Agriculture
For week 7, we will wrap up nutrient management and then move to water for agriculture. We will dive deeper into the water of Florida and then begin the topic of irrigation management. - Week 8 - Agricultural Irrigation Management
For our final week, we will finish up irrigation management and conclude with an overall review.
George J. Hochmuth, Ph.D.
Urban and Agricultural Environmental Sciences
The University of Florida (UF) is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in academic excellence, both on campus and online. Ranked in the top 20 of Public Universities, the University of Florida is the state’s oldest university and has a long established tradition of academic excellence.

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