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Strategy Implementation

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- 6 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
- Sous-titres en Romanian
Détails du cours
- Week 1 - Course Intro. Translating Strategy Into Goals and Metrics
In this module we set the scene in strategy implementation and take a bird's-eye view of the course. We then dive into formulating actionable goals based on the strategy, good practices in creating metrics and setting objectives, and learn about two specific t... - Week 2 - Aligning Strategy and Organizational Structure
The structure of your organization can be a good or poor fit to the strategy you are implementing. In this module we learn which choices of organizational structure are appropriate depending on your strategy. - Week 3 - Communicating the Strategy within the Organization
Getting communication right is crucial for successful implementation. In this module we find out how to communicate the strategy vertically, and how to facilitate collaboration and upward communication in the organization. - Week 4 - Managing Resistance and Other Implementation Risks
Strategy implementation is rarely an exercise in certainty. New strategies may cause concerns or resistance in the organization, or be vulnerable to other risks. In this module we explore ways to manage risks to implementation, including addressing specific ca... - Week 5 - Leveraging Organizational Culture
Like structure, an organization's culture might be supportive or obstructive in implementation. In this module we define what culture is, learn how it can impact implementation, and explore when and how it can be changed. - Week 6 - Power and Informal Networks. Course Ending
The flatter the organization, the more likely are informal networks and power to matter in implementing a strategy. In this module we explore ways of using power and informal networks in the organization to facilitate strategy implementation. We then conclude ...
Nicolai Pogrebnyakov
Associate Professor
Department of International Economics and Management
Centrally located in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School (CBS) is one of the largest business schools in Europe with close to 20,000 students. CBS offers world-class research-based degree programs at undergraduate, graduate, and PhD levels as well as executive and other post experience programs.

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