Strategy Formulation

Strategy Formulation

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Romanian

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introducing strategy formulation
    In the first module of this course, we will examine and discuss the foundations of strategy formulation, emphasizing key concepts such as competitive advantage, value creation, planned vs emerging strategy, and strategic fit.
  • Week 2 - Industry analysis
    Building on the insights generated in the first session, in the second module we explore different industrial organization frameworks and discuss the importance of industry effects on firm performance. Keywords of this module include competition, industry attr...
  • Week 3 - Resources and capabilities
    The purpose of this session is to understand the role of firm resources and capabilities in building and formulating a strong strategy. In particular, we will discuss concepts such as the value chain, core capabilities, heterogeneous resources, and the VRIO fr...
  • Week 4 - Global strategies and the multinational corporation
    The opportunities and challenges of operating internationally are substantially different to the domestic context. Thus, to understand strategy in a global context, we focus on the multinational corporation and discuss strategic terms like foreign entry mode, ...
  • Week 5 - Strategic decision making
    In this module, we will investigate the processes of strategic decision making and explore how this matters for firm performance. We will discuss topics such as ‘bounded rationality’, management politics, and hidden costs.
  • Week 6 - Formulating a Strategy in a 21st Century Creative Company
    Drawing on the content covered in this course, your job is to formulate a strategy for the Danish design company e-Types. Specifically, based on an analysis of the firm and the environment, you should formulate a strong strategy for how e-Types should move for...




Marcus Møller Larsen
Assistant Professor, Strategic Management and Globalization
Department of Strategic Management and Globalization


Centrally located in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School (CBS) is one of the largest business schools in Europe with close to 20,000 students. CBS offers world-class research-based degree programs at undergraduate, graduate, and PhD levels as well as executive and other post experience programs.


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