Structural Equation Model and its Applications | 结构方程模型及其应用

Structural Equation Model and its Applications | 结构方程模型及其应用

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  • 12 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


Lesson 1 Introduction 简介
Lesson 2 Exploratory vs. Confirmatory Factor Analysis 探索性与验证性因子分析Lesson 3 Basic Concepts 原理
Lesson 4 CFA overview 验证性因子分析(概述)
Lesson 4 CFA in details 验证性因子分析
Lesson 5 Multitrait-Multimethod Model 多质多法模型
Lesson 6 Full Model 全模型
Lesson 7 High-Order Factor Analysis 高阶因子分析
Lesson 8 Simplex Model 单纯形模型
Lesson 9 Multiple-Group SEM 多组SEM分析
Lesson 10 Issues in Model Specification and Analysis 结构方程建模和分析步骤
Lesson 11 Issues on Data 涉及数据的问题
Lesson 12 How to Read SPSS.sav into LISREL 读取SPSS数据




  • Kit Tai Hau 侯傑泰 - Department of Educational Psychology


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